Trying to see if it possible to connect Mailtrap to JSM via SMTP Integration. When we apply username =, P/w (copied from dashboard) and mailserver = live.smtp...
Hello. We added task creation on the Trello board by sending emails to the mail. We trying to send mail from our SMTP server and getting an error warning: no MX host f...
....Provider[TRANSPORT,smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Oracle] DEBUG SMTP: useEhlo true, useAuth true DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "", port 587, isSSL false 220 n212-142-139 E... seems to be no outbound mail. Our company mail server was checked as well as all spam folders etc. Therefore my question is: where can I find SMTP settings or even a log of outgoing mails to f...
Dear Sir or Madam, There isn't SMTP function when I click into Administration->System->Mail->Outgoing Mail/Incoming Mail. I need receive emails from an email account(eg. I...
...orrectly setup 2FA and App Password in my gmail account and App Password i have added into jenkins correctly but still not receiving emails. Here is my SMTP setting i have use in jenkins Extended E-mail N...
After I finsihed SMTP configuration, and try to "Test Connection". It's two status, one is connected, another is could not connect and repose -1 . But, the configuration is the same! Does a...
Hi, I have Jira software 8.5 and I´m trying to enable SMTP outgoing mail to Office 365. I need to have STARTTLS enabled. I have configured as follows, both with and without the TLS tick. But both d...
We created new SMTP credentials in AWS SES. I tried to update the SMTP Mail Server username and password when I tested connection I got a 535 Authentication error. We are currently on v8.13.3...
...bsp; 5 10:22:45 is8 postin/smtpd[14406]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 550 5.1.7 <>: Sender address rejected: undeliverable a...
Recently our Jira stopped sending outbound email (using It appears to be a "TLS 1.2" issue. If I test the connection 'without' TLS, connection is successful. W...
Hi, Up until now, my company was using one of our Office365 account as config for the atlassian mail server functionality (also in other Atlassian products). Because of the extreme amount of e-mail...
TL;DR Jira admins on Jira Software Cloud can now set up their Jira incoming email servers using Microsoft Oauth for Microsoft Exchange email accounts. What has shipped? Back in 20...
Hello, We would like to use a custom SMTP server instead of the Jira cloud SMTP server, due to compliance reasons. We need to use a custom SMTP server which logs outgoing deliveries successes/f...
Hi Does anyone know if there is a plan to discontinue basic auth on SMTP? I thought OAUTH2 was being introduced but someone said to me that there are no changes to SMTP Basic Auth. W...
Error : The mail settings you entered were not valid. Error thrown was: com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port:, 25; timeout 10000; nested exception i...
When I go to the item in "Settings | System | Email | Outbox", I can only disable and enable the SMTP settings. These are obviously only the default settings. But I want to use my own SMTP server h...
...otifications for this project will be sent from this email address. This might not be possible with some public email services. In this case, the mail server default will be used. Unfortunately a...
...his: def sendEmail(String emailAddr, String subject, String body) { SMTPMailServer mailServer = ComponentAccessor.getMailServerManager().getDefaultSMTPMailServer() if (mailServer) { Email e...
Im working with Crowd version 3.5.1 and currently no user is able to receive an email from the application. When I try to send a test email, I receive the following error: smtpsendfailedexception 5...
I have an inbound AWS SMTP server-based account. I have configured with the correct Host Name as well as the PORT number. But I am getting an authentication error/connection failure error. D...
Dear Sirs, I've installed confluence 7.0.2 under Ubuntu server 18.04. Firewall has opened port 465. Parameters for connection - , port 465, TLS authorization. When I've send test e...
When setting up an email via SMTP to send emails from Jira, authentication is not working. A little background on my Gmail setup Using Gsuite account (user, not admin) Two-factor authentication i...
I'm using a corporate SMTP service with our Jira Service Desk project, which is hosted on a Jira Cloud instance. Our IT team is applying a change for security reasons on the SMTP service. As a r...
I setup some custom email notification at Post-function using Scriptrunner and even though the Outgoing Mail server is disabled, Scriptrunner is able to bypass that and still send emails. I ...
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