...roject has been deactivated. 😞 Is there any way I can remove extra members from my team to reactivate the project? Thank you!
Hello, We have configured an epic wihich created multiple tasks and subtasks by using the Issue template App. I am asked to remove multiple subtasks belong to one specific task when tone of t...
...e with Backlog Refinement. Then I have to manually remove the label, once refined which is a source for errors and confusion, if I forget to do it. So I tried the JSON field with automation to remove...
Hello! We have a free account for Trello, and I need to remove a collaborator since they are no longer part of my organization. The only catch is that she is the ONLY admin of many boards a...
Hi, all people on my free workspaces are admins like myself, but I can't remove the dropped out ones or change their status to remove them to get under the 10 people limit. How do I do? Greets, Beate
...hese boards so I am not able to remove them or remove the boards? Any idea how I can remove these 4 people from our workspace, including the 2 boards that we want to delete? This is what it l...
...nd remove items older than e.g. 5 days (It spans back to 30 days old) But apparently you [Atlassian] say the queue cannot be edited, only flushed or resend. [Currently, because that's what y...
Hey Atlassian Community, I'm a Product Manager @ Kolekti (Part of The Adaptavist Group) and im currently exploring the content creation space. I'm looking at speaking to Confluence conten...
Hey everyone, I'm looking for some direction on how to remove or replace text from the summary if issues. Context: So when an issue is created, we have an automation rule that adds c...
...everal .remove() instances. The part that's really tripping me up is the URL and the id=##### portion. I don't want to remove every instance of every number from the results as there are some numbers t...
...pecific user is removed from the Approvers field. I've tried different variations of JSON code but I can't get anything to work. I'Ve looked through the commmunity posts of this and although t...
Right now when a ticket is created via email, it seems to include a bunch code before the message. Here is an example: <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {f...
I am supposed to be the admin of a Board. Currently, a team member who was removed is still listed as an admin of this Board, and we do not know how to remove them: There is no "Remove from Board" o...
...e automate this? Again to simplify, I want to perform this automatically. if the assigned Checklist (with date) is not ticked by person and is overdue > remove that person from the w...
...ow can I remove myself from the team? There is no option that I can see. Thanks
Hello, we had a trainee in our company for a half year. After his internship ended, we revoked his account so he got the title --> former user. Now he will start working with us again and my que...
Hi. I have a variable in a Jira Automation Rule that holds the contents of a calculation. I would like to remove the number 1 if it's the very first character in the string. Lets say my v...
Hi Community, I'm unable to manage users in https://manage.statuspage.io I am a SITE ADMIN ( and can confirm that I'm logged in using that e-mail when I view my profile ). I am going to the bottom...
Hello, I have a lot of cards in my archive which I want to delete all at once. Is there a way to do this?
...lone's assignee that a new ticket is ready for them. I was wondering if there was a way to: A. Remove the assignee from the clone before I submit the clone? A1. Prevent the previous assignee from getting e...
I was trying to use the rest api delete label with query parameter to remove a label that is an integer but I keep getting 500 Internal Server Error. How do I remove a label that is a numeric v...
I have a board button that will add a new item in a list. I don't want the 'add another card' that is by default (?) to be on the board. Is there any way to disable or delete this from this boa...
Hi All, I would like to know if Atlassian has added a feature to disable a user's access or Removing an user's site access using Confluence's REST API? I searched through the documentation, ...
I run a self hosted bit bucket server. I habe deleted several Projects or Repositories. They seemed to be removed but they are still in C:\Atlassian\ApplicationData\Bitbucket\shared\data\r...
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