Hi Community, I want to display a validation message when a user is moving the issue (from More dropdown > Move option) from one project to another. And how to configure that message with s...
I need to copy a Parent Page and all of its Children Pages (and their attachments) from one confluence site to another (both server based). I have tried to use the following code but the /copy url fo...
Hi All I want to know, how to move a Story from one project to the other project. For an issue there is an option "Move", but for the story I did not find one Any idea Thanks in Advance&n...
...uggestion area). Screen real estate is important to me. If you move or allow us to remove the refresh indicator, we will have more space for more issues. In my case, I could fit another 4 issues on m...
...he me fields and field values (eg. Roadmap field with the same "Now", "Next", "Later" option) - I am selecting "Retain" during the move operation. This feels like a bug vs design.
Hi there! We're currently using Bamboo 7.1.2 and need to move some plans between projects due to changes in ownership and for cleanup purposes. When we attempt to move a newly created plan, Plan Y...
Hi there, I am using the free version and cannot see how I would achieve the following Card is in list TO DO and has 3 checklist options to be completed (ticked) Once all a...
I have a list of ideas in JPD that I want to move to other Jira projects, however there does not seem to be any bulk move option available, I can only move individual ideas, one by one. Am I m...
What I need: If the issue is moved to another project and current assignee is not in one of roles of a new project (= has no permission to be assigned) then change assignee to project lead. &n...
...hat's great!) At the same time, I have deleted all tickets that previously had a value in this field. Problem: Now I want to move a ticket from a company-managed project to the team-managed project. U...
...eeks. As such we recommend starting the process as soon as possible. What if I don’t want to move? UK numbers will no longer be provided by Opsgenie. Choosing not to port your numbers w...
Hi there, A couple of questions: 1. Is it possible to change the issue type, without using the "Move" option? I created two tasks, one after the other, on the same board, with the default w...
At my last job, we had Jira set up so that you could right click an issue on the Sprint board, and you'd get two options under "Move to" - "Top of Backlog" and "Bottom of Backlog". But at my new j...
...want to change a Bug to a Task. Interestingly, I am able to change a Task into a Bug (by selecting the Icon), but not the other way around. Through the move function I am still able to change the i...
Hey folks, In our company we have specific issue types that we don't want our users to change when using the Move functionality (natively through the More -> Move menu or using the B...
As the title says: I'm moving several lists from one board to another (in a different workspace). There's no problem with most cards but they are stripped out when I move lists with cards that I a...
I'm looking at the Automation rule triggers, and I'm curious what the difference is between "when a card is added to list..." and "when a card is moved into list..."? I understand how to move a c...
...og4j public class Move { // String requestTypeName - Name of the desired request Type // boolean sameStatusIfNoMapping // Issue issue // String targetProjectKey // String t...
I need to move from ClickUp to Jira, I always have the same problem and couldnt solve it 1) For the CSV import to be successful, you must specify a CSV header row that corresponds to the P...
Is there any way to move multiple cards between boards without using the bulk actions power up ?
...ithin the business project. My end goal is to then take those form submissions (recognized as tasks) and move them to our day-to-day software project. Issue - there are several custom fields o...
...anually run automation rule inside Epic on Project ABC. 2/ Epic AND Child Issues AND Subtasks are cloned to same Project ABC. [3/ Then I will manually move the Epic AND Child Issues AND S...
...ssue (Risk) and attempted to the Move that issue from one project to the other. No matter how I move it overwrites the information and it wipes the data from the issue. I understand the c...
Hey Atlassian Community, I'm a Product Manager @ Kolekti (Part of The Adaptavist Group) and im currently exploring the content creation space. I'm looking at speaking to Confluence conten...
Hello everybody, i would like to move a list from one board to another. It works, but the cardmembers vanish in this process. This causes a lot of worries and communication (trello send notfication t...
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