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×Hi everyone, I am just starting to learn how to use Jira. I would like to ask if using the IT team bundle instead of the development template means I cannot use Github for Jira? I want to add b...
We've played around in Compass last year a little and have a plan to start implementing it now. When i want to add a repo from github, it displays only an empty lists. Comparing to other threads a...
I have two Jira software projects where I want to enable linking issues to GitHub PRs and branches. I've installed the GitHub for Jira app in my organization and I can see the Development issue f...
Is it possible to create repo in github cloud using Rovo, or any other means? I want to clone my bitbucket cloud repos to github without manually going and create each repo one by one in Github. T...
...ermissions and robust security. Connecting Git with Jira: How It Works? Set Up the Integration – Connect your Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, or Azure Repos) to Jira in just a few clicks. D...
I recently set up a new Windows 11 computer. I installed the latest version of Sourcetree. When I try to set up either a previously existing or a newly generated Personal Access Token for Github, i...
Already integrated with Github. Can create branch and pull request from Jira issues. But want PR comments to be synced in Jira Issue comment section
Hey, We want to start using Compass Templates to provision new services in Github and because most of our codebase is in monorepos I'd like to disable creation of fork repository based on the t...
Hi, Sometimes you will be working on a c# project and need do so code in python related to the project. Since its a different language and not related to c# it doesnt branch from your main project...
Hey everyone, So I noticed the github-for-jira repo (github-for-jira) has been recently deprecated, but I'm wondering if I can still clone it and use it in my GitHub Enterprise. Would it s...
...third party integration partner between Jira and GitHub that makes this work, in any case we would like to avoid this and just have an organic integration between Jira and GitHub. Do you know of a p...
Hi there, I recently ran in to an issue where my Sourcetree installation doesn't seem to find my NPM installation. When I try to commit some change (working with Sourcetree and Github) I will get t...
I'm trying to create a branch with the GitHub PowerUp. It asks me to Link my Github account, I press the button and it opens an git hub loggin page. After the login an 404 error occurs and in the t...
I checked this post https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/using-the-github-power-up/ and am unable to find the integration? What's going on with it? has it been replaced?
Hello, We've been using this powerup for some time now, but today it stopped working suddenly. When I click on authorize button, It redirects me to a 404 page at github. I've disabled the power-u...
I wanted to link a new repository to link issues and PRs so I went into the powerup settings to do that. However clicking on the button brought up what seemed like an OAuth page on Github except i...
Are there any limitations or issues connecting a single Jira Cloud integration with both a GitHub Cloud and Bitbucket Data Center instance concurrently? I would assume both SCMs would show up in a d...
...orrect access rights and the repository exists. Now i have generated my ssh key and placed the public in my github account and when checking for the connection using "ssh -T git@github.com" , the c...
...ilestone in Github. Thanks! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Automation-Trigger-to-create-a-new-Release-Version/qaq-p/1578362 https://confluence.atlassian.com/a...
...efault matcher, instead of categorizing the deployment as unmapped (see https://github.com/atlassian/github-for-jira/blob/main/src/transforms/transform-deployment.ts#L251). Also it is not possible t...
Hello, We have integrated Compass Free version with GitHub Cloud, however every time I try to create a template it asks to integrate with github, but it does not work. The free v...
How can i change my deployment from deployment from bitbucket to github for my existing projects in JIRA which are linked with Bitbucket
I want to set up an automation in Jira so that when it is connected to a github PR, it creates a comment on that pull request that presents a link back to the issue. Currently I can only get to the github...
Hi, just integrated Jira with my github account. This worked just fine. In a company managed project, I enabled Jira Code following "Enable code | Jira Cloud | Atlassian Support ", but still t...
When creating a branch from Jira using GitHub, the "Branch from" selector is hidden using css. It shows before selecting a repo, but when selecting one, the selector is hidden by a global s...
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