Hello, everyone! I am facing a problem while configuring SSO authorization between Azure Enterprise Application and Atlassiacn Cloud. I have implemented every step that was in the Microsoft ...
As part of our cleanup efforts, we'll be removing the aforementioned domain verification records that we believe no longer required. Can anyone confirm is that safe to remove domain verification TXT ...
Sirs, We received a notification from Atlassian below: We're writing to let you know that your Atlassian account is no longer managed by your Atlassian Cloud administrator. This won't chan...
This guide will walk you through the process of verifying your company domain with your Atlassian Organization so that you can claim ownership of the accounts for your users that use your domain for ...
Hi Community! Thank you to all who joined our ongoing monthly Atlassian Access demo! We have an engaging group of attendees who asked many great questions. I’ll share a recap of frequently ask...
Hi we have several domains validated via https. One of this domains need a additional txt record validation via DNS - when i try to validate this domain via txt record it tells me it cant find...
Hey there, We have 2 domains verified via DNS, and have been using Google SSO. However, I'm interested in using the G Suite sync tool which will ensure automatic SSO for all our employees. When try...
Trying to gain more visibility into your organization? Setting up Atlassian Access? Follow along as we demo step-by-step how to verify your domain so you can start centrally managing your Atlassian...
Hello, I get the mail 'Action required: We can no longer verify one of your domains' over and over again. It tells me: "We're no longer able to verify one of your organization's domeins:&nb...
Hi, We are trying to migrate from Jira On-Prem Server to Jira Cloud. In our current environment, there are multiple instance of Jira and other atlassian products like bitbucket, trello, etc b...
I am trying to verify a domain name and my registrar, Google, like all other registrars, only allows for one "@" txt record. I currently use O365 and there are three records to add in the DNS (...
I set up a site and verified my domain, unfortunately I was completely locked out of that site because a saml setting was wrong and I did not create a user that was not a member of the domain as a ba...
I'm about to verify our domain and I want to make sure that doing that will not have any negative consequences for the user. Two things I was worried about: Non-domain users will no longer be...
Hi, I'm trying to set-up the domain verification but I can't find the option in Service Desk Cloud. I've been following: https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/verify-a-domain-for-your-organiz...
I have added at TXT record to DNS for my domain (myvoicecomm.com) as instructed here. https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/verify-a-domain-for-your-organization-873871234.html It ...
Good Day, We are setting up the Jira Service Desk project, and have add a custom email account to be used for notifications and incoming tickets request under project setting > email reques...
Hello guys *Non-native speaker warning* I'll just start with the process that we went through. We bought Jira and Confluence and a week later Access all from the same account with the same billing...
I'm in process of implementing the Access Module. First step is to verify the domains. We verified 7 domains for our organization. I was advised that there may be issues with access IF the users alre...
Trying to verify a domain with a TXT record, but already have a TXT record for the base domain. If I add a second TXT record will I break the first one? Example: JIRA Cloud Instance #1 DNS TXT Reco...
Hello, I am trying to verify my domain for SSO feature. My company domain is "https://foo.domain.com". All the users have email ids like "user@domain.com". In this scenario how ca...
Trying to verify Domain with a TXT record, but already have a TXT record for the base domain and Route53 only allows one record. Anyone else run into this?
I've entered the TXT record presented for domain verification, but the verify process never passes. NSLOOKUP and outside tools return the correct DNS information, but the Atlassian domain verificatio...
We are attempting to setup single sign on and going through the Domain verification stage. We have added the TXT token to the DNS record and submitted a "verification". Nothing happens - no response ...
Hi, I am trying to verify my domain using the DNS method. I have created the txt record as suggested and then used the verify domain interface and nothing seems to happen. Ive tried COUNTLESS...
I had to enter www.domain.com for the domain verification to work but our users have email addresses that include just @domain.com. Will this cause a problem? Will any of this take effect? Wh...
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