The default behavior excludes the comment option, and since there is no option to add a comment after a version is published the ability to do so is lost forever (for that page version) if people for...
The Confluence database team has been hard at work and we have some really exciting news! We are thrilled to announce 3 huge product updates… 🗣️ Inline database comments 👥 User m...
Hi, I have a request to make internal 'some' of the comments, from Service Management tickets. Is there an app that can help us? (other then script runner? :) that can do anything :D) Thank you f... is nothing returned for the last comment, despite there being plenty of comments on the issues. Can you please help show me where I went wrong!
Hola. Quiero ocultar la ventana de comentarios que aparece al final de una página en Confluence, pero sin cambiar los permisos de los usuarios. No quiero desactivar los permisos porque eso también el...
...XX/YYY/pullrequests/ID/activity?fields=%2Bvalues.comment.inline.*" get a response with pull request comments having a "src_rev" and "dest_rev" field. I find these fields very helpful, but I c...
We use the comments function in a Confluence Whiteboard to display additional information when hovering over a specific element. Currently, there are 59 comments. (this information is shown when h...
Hey all, is there a way to display the content of the lastest comment in a view? When adding comment as field to a view, only the number of comments is shown, but not the content. I would prefer t...
How to migrate Pull Requests with Comments and Attachments from Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server?
...omment or view comments. But if he rights click and opens in a new tab or enters from another place, he is able to see the comment section. He reproduced his steps to show me, and I saw that his filter v...
Hello Wiki Style Renderer is being used as Renderer of Comments Frequently, when Edge users write comments and click Save, I can see the comments I wrote including HTML tags How c...
This is a very difficult question to phrase. My problem is that Jira's user interface is formatted such that its visually fatiguing to pick out the comments on the issue against other elements (n...
I have team members not receiving emails when they are tagged in comments on pages. They have their email notifications on. What could be causing this issue?
...ickets (reporter and request participants fields) so that they do not receive internal communications or comments. Third parties can have different email domains so it needs to be a rule that is s...
Hi there! We are fetching text from jira tickets and comments to show them to our customers. To do this we are transforming Jira markup to Markdown. We have some problems on parsing attachments. I h...
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