We are a few different users connected to our Trello board. How can I as a creator of the board check when the members have visited the board?
I'd like to be able to automatically delete attachments when I've finished working on a card. Is this possible? Is it possible to delete all the attachments in a list?
Hello, I hope this message finds you in good health and high sprits. Regarding our new Trello account (Pro account), we are facing with a problem with moving data from former Account to the new acc...
Incluí um membro novo sem querer. Como tirar? Estou sendo cobrada,
I would like you change my e-mail adres in my Trello account. When i submit a different e-mail adres and i try to verify i get an error message saying we are working on it. I have been struglling for...
Bonjour, Avec Trello, j'utilise le Power up Board Export by Kolekti, ce qui me permet de récupérer les données de mes cartes pour faire des emailing. Car j'utilise Trello comme un CRM et chaqu...
how do I remove the quick add thing from Trello board selection page on Android? Is there a setting or is this something imposed on users without an opt out?
em meu computador, quando insiro uma nova linha o espaço entre essas duas linhas ficam grandes, como se estivesse aplicado enter por duas vezes. Exemplo: linha escrita normal, vou inse...
I used to be able to open Trello on my iPhone 14 Plus. Now it just shows the "Activities." What changed? TY
Olá .. gostaria de saber a quantidade de acessos que podemos ter ao trello, pois trabalho numa empresa e preciso acessar o trello em outros computadores e nao estou conseguindo mais.
Every time my Trello to Slack automation runs it says "Internal Error" in the activity logs. nothing more.
This bug is on the cell phone after the update. I press to create an activity and it is selected for the next day as can be seen in image 1. however when I press save. it changes to t...
Hi! I’m currently using Google to log in to Trello. In my new job, I can’t use this Google account, because I’m on an administered Chromebook, so I’d like to log on using an e-mail/password login in...
VI que não Pipefy tem uma integração entre processos. Quando chega no final de um processo, automaticamente abre um novo processo. Tem como fazer isso também no Trello?
I can't find where on the Board menu I can move the board to another Workspace. I have a premium workspace and I want to move one of the boards to a free workspace. Thanks in advance! Åsa
Hi there I have been sent an invite to a Trello Board, however when I click 'go to board' the board will load, then takes me to my user work space and does not show on there. I have been res...
I work with 3 different organisations that all use Trello. I am getting notifications from 1 of these into another one, both within Trello itself and by email. So updates on the work of one of my or...
No me llegan las notificaciones al correo. Está configurado y estoy en las tarjetas, pero no me llegan
Hi Community, we have set up a butler for a board so that a certain Trello column on the board is sorted by date (ascending). However, this does not work for all users in the entire team. Could i...
Can’t find stickers to use anywhere on app. They are not on the board menu.
Hi! I am signed in to Trello through a Gmail account, but I am in the process of closing down this gmail account and want to transfer my Trello account to a new gmail account but every time I try to ...
I can see all the columns, cards, and documents on Trello on my MAC laptop. But I can ONLY see the Activity section of each card on the Trello App. on my iPhone 14 plus. I used to be able...
Hello! I've created a checklist on a card. When I try to paste a hyperlink to an external source (eg a Google Doc or non Trello web page) as a checklist item, it loses the link and just pastes plain ...
I have a premium trial which expires 9/2/24. How do I return to trello FREE so I'm not charged?
Oi! Tenho um monte de projetos no Trello e ao acessar não aparecessem mais. O que eu faço
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