Calendar app

Miguel Angel Nieto
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January 18, 2025

Buenas, desde la web puedo unificar los calendarios de los distintos tableros.


sin embargo desde la app, no consigo hacerlo.


¿es posible?

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Renato Fagaraz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 20, 2025

Hi @Miguel Angel Nieto !

Thanks for reaching out. So, here's the deal: on the web, you can totally unify the calendars from different boards, but on the mobile app, it's a bit different. The web version contains workspace views, which consolidate information from multiple different boards, as well as board views, which allow for things like a table or calendar view of your board. Unfortunately, the mobile app only has access to the latter, and can't natively consolidate multiple boards into one view.

A popular workaround for your case is to sync your Trello calendar using the Calendar Power-Up. This way, you can see everything directly in your personal calendar app, such as Google Calendar, which might be more convenient to check on mobile! We have a guide on that:

Hope this helps!

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