If you need to control some gaps within your data, this is almost a one-time opportunity to SOLVE THEM, especially if you're using Atlassian Products. We know that managing enterprise data is a tou...
...ore than one 1000 work items, you will to use a solution such as Exporter for Jira. To keep going you should ensure data consistency and cleanliness, the same, checking there are no d...
Bonjour, Avec Trello, j'utilise le Power up Board Export by Kolekti, ce qui me permet de récupérer les données de mes cartes pour faire des emailing. Car j'utilise Trello comme un CRM et chaqu...
Hi! I managed to export several custom fields using the sintax ${cfname}, however one of the custom fields I need to export has the following name: UEP (single choise). And I think the parenthesis a...
I would like to define a variable on a confluence page (e.g. page_author) which I would like to use in the Scroll PDF Exporter app to define the author name on the frontpage. Any ideas how I can d...
Hello, we are just migrated to JIRA cloud from Jira server. We are facing with an exporter app. We think that ParentKEy and ParentSUmmary cause that, but dont know why. The s...
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