...ind, we are proud to announce that ContractsPro is now MindPro Service Contract Management (SCM). This is not only a name change, it brings a new set of features that will positively impact our c...
...nd manual consolidation efforts are still needed (yes, MS Excel is still alive). But this is not productive and takes a lot of time. ContractsPro was developed to help these teams in all aspects r...
...otal contract costs. ContractsPro helps on that by offering a space for additional revenues and expenses that can be informed in the contracts even when services are already in execution. &n...
...his in mind, ContractsPro team designed a new solution to make this calculation simple to managers and team leaders. Among the new cost tracking features recently added, one is particularly important: t...
...eal with that a thousands of times. And this is one of the reasons the new ContractsPro Cloud was developed! The way it works is very simple: You create your accounts (billable or non-billable) and y...
...ifferent tools and apps (yes, MS Excel is included here again…) to help team leads and managers to track the contract limits and make the customers aware of it. ContractsPro was developed with these s...
...e designed ContractsPro. We help managers to have a better visibility of service contracts, progress and team’s productivity in a single place. It uses Tempo accounts, customers and teams to make t...
...ork distribution across teams Lack of track for recurring contracts/services Working along with team leaders for years and being aware of their pain points on reporting activities, we develop ContractsPro...
...orkaround you can add a “non-billable” category to the accounts, but it does not allow you to plan this time ahead in a simple and clear way. With ContractsPro you can plan your b...
...ustom fields so when teams log hours the amount of time will be attributed to that particular account. But how to plan efforts based on accounts? ContractsPro does that in a way all data can be t...
...onsumption is on track and the contract limits were not exceeded or are about to exceed. When we start developing ContractsPro we heard from many team leaders and support managers who were facing the same s...
...o create a contract, setup a recurrence for it, define accounts and teams to execute the services and follow up the progress in a monthly using smart reports? We designed ContractsPro after hearing m...
Vários gerentes sabem que é um verdadeiro desafio (às vezes um pesadelo) lidar com vários contratos de serviço no Jira e transformar cada hora de trabalho em uma hora faturável. Você está e...
...hen started developing ContractsPro. As real Jira and Tempo Timesheets heavy users, we saw ourselves facing the same pain points mentioned above when needed to manage services and teams efficiently. W...
...onnects all this information into contracts and, based on the worklogs, track the progress for billable or non-billable accounts. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1221714/contractspro-c...
Dear Trello community, hope everyone is well! I've tried to contact Trello through the sales form multiple times over the past 4 months and never got a reply back. I also could never find a phone nu...
Good morning, We work with our clients through PSP contracts. An annual number of hours is sold to clients each year. When we add the time spent in an organization we want to be able to track the t...
Wikipedia defines a contract as “A contract is a legally binding agreement which recognizes and governs the rights and duties of the parties to the agreement.” In simpler terms, it is the corners...
I am working in a prototype app to manage service contracts in Jira/Jira Service Desk. This will allow users to control and be informed about expiration dates or limits (hours, issues) for contracts ...
Atlassian Spezialist - JIRA / ServiceDesk / Confluence (6390) Als Atlassian Spezialist mit starkem technischem Verständnis, unterstützen sie unseren Kunden in der Administration, Anpassung und Erwei...
Atlassian University is looking for a course developer for a contract position. Basic haves are: Know how to develop a course on technical content for a technical audience, with hands-on labs Fami...
I know we can manage documents and contract in Jira Core, but can it be done in jira software?
We have recently started using jira (software, service desk, confluence and stride) and need help setting up and tracking our clients monthly budget. Clients pay us a set amount to support their onli...
Hi there, we're trying to migrate from Redmine to Jira. In our current Redmine environment we make heavily use uf the so called "contracts" plugin (https://github.com/upgradeya/redmine-contracts-wit...
Hi! Could you provide me with a copy of our Atlassian maintenance/support contract? My financial folks are looking for a copy for their records. Thanks! Johnny
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