IT Service providers work with the cutting-edge technologies and concepts to deliver the best for their customers. When working with managed services it is important to keep everything on track. There are many perspectives involved: contract accounts, recurrence, billing, team efforts, etc. Sometimes is hard to make everything connected.
Even companies that use Jira face issues with this management because there are lots of apps available in marketplace but none of them concentrates the most needed functionalities to make things happen. Moreover they belong to different vendors, what means they do not talk to each other.
In other words, even if you buy different apps to help you, sometimes you still need to do manual work to put the things together. What is the most common solution? Spreadsheets…
When managers do not see an alternative to resolve their needs in a simple and objective way, they rely on spreadsheets to track their activities and monitor team’s efforts. It may help in a short-term, but it only helps, it does not resolve.
Maintaining a set of spreadsheets can be complicated especially if you deal with the variety of perspectives we mentioned above. You sometimes need to export Jira worklogs, create your own charts and reports manually, summarise and export again in a format your managers can easily understand… Wow, this is tiring!
This is one of the reasons we designed ContractsPro. We help managers to have a better visibility of service contracts, progress and team’s productivity in a single place. It uses Tempo accounts, customers and teams to make the contract creation faster.
The workflow is simple: you create your contracts, define accounts (billable or non-billable), how many hours will be worked and what teams will work on each task and in what percentage.
Then you just need to wait the team members enter their worklogs in Jira and the app will calculate the service consumption using the parameters informed in the contracts.
With a few clicks managers can follow up the information using the Delivery Report. This makes the decision-making process faster and more accurate, using realtime data!
How does that look like? Stop using spreadsheets to manage you service contracts and move to a tool that can integrate that in Jira much better and without the need of handling a bunch of different licenses!
Click here to try ContractsPro for FREE now!
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The Future is Brilliant!
Eduardo Anflor - MindPro
Product Leader
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