Hello Atlassian community, I am Nikhil, Product Manager for Audit Logs in Cloud. We are currently exploring how we can improve functionalities & retention period&nbs...
Hello Atlassian community, I am Nikhil, Product Manager for Audit Logs in Cloud. We are currently exploring how we can improve functionalities & retention period&nbs...
Hello Atlassian community, I am Nikhil, Product Manager for Audit Logs in Cloud. We are currently exploring how we can improve functionalities & retention period&nbs...
Hello, Strange behavior: I added the system field "due date" to a screen that is attached to project A's layout in the Details section, not in the Hide when empty section. The due date field w...
...ere insists that an Atlassian system user account is right for this purpose. However, I am having some doubts. First of all, as you might have noticed, the System User Accounts are poorly d...
¡Hoooola! Hace unos días publiqué este post aquí en el Community. Desde Deiser queremos trabajar para apoyar a la difusión del nuevo System of Work de Atlassian, ya que creemos que es un m...
...resentó algo que no pasó desapercibido para nadie. Una novedad que va a marcar la dirección y estrategia de Atlassian en los próximos años: Atlassian System of Work. Desde Deiser llevamos tiempo h...
Hi All, We observed for one user his profile timezone is different than confluence system timezone and he never changed his profile timezone by himself but for all other users profile timezone and system...
Hi all, Ever since our team updated to the latest 9.12 Jira Software LTS (Data Center) we've seen that the system field "Due Date" has had its name label changed from "Due Date" to "Due Date (d/M...
Our organisation is using Sytem Dashboard for default users. THe name "System Dashboard" is confusing to (non IT) users. The plan is change the string in JAR file, but for that I need to know w...
I have performed a relatively quick google search of any published SUS results being performed on Jira with no luck. I don't really have the resources available to me to conduct the survey - mo...
Hello I have a (maybe stupid question) We are trying out some new stuff with system metrics, but for whatever reason, we are stuck on an error - regarding what kind of API we create in new r...
Hi from Scandio! :) We are a Platinum Solution Partner from Germany and as our Atlassian business is growing, especially within the context of Cloud services, we are looking for Cloud Systems E...
...roduct which can have its own permission set" or something similar. Has anyone else come up with this sort of system before?
Hey folks, im looking for the System requirements for Jira core and cant seem to find it. Would be highly appreciated if some one could help me out. Thanks a lot in advance!
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