I have a manually triggered automation that will clone an epic and all of its child stories (25 of them). I would like the cloned stories to retain the same order as the ICSAUTO-1 epic th...
Hello, I have a number in Jira Label, I am trying to export the data to a excel and the last digit of the number is converted to "0" by itself. Example: I have the number like 12345, when exported t...
...ssue types in project1 appear in Board1 and Sprint3, including sub tasks. no sub tasks from project2 show up anywhere except on the related story. Things I have already checked - 1. B...
Hello, We are using version Data center, the structure of our projects in jira has two ways: 1) EPIC -> Sub-Task 2) EPIC -> Story -> Sub-Task and I noticed that every time s...
Currently we have : Epic - Story - Sub-tasks. We would like to add a granularity "Idea" or "intiative" or perhaps "Feature" for example. These will be a Parent of en Epic. What are the p...
Hi All I want to know, how to move a Story from one project to the other project. For an issue there is an option "Move", but for the story I did not find one Any idea Thanks in Advance&n...
...eature issue I am using called Feature-1 - The Feature-1 issue has 2 child epics inside called Epic-1 and Epic-2 - In Epic-1 is a child story called Story-1 - Story-1 has 2 sub-tasks called sub-t...
...My question would be how can I provide each story to be on Gantt Chart? I tried to put JQL to separate two Gantt Chart by Stories to reduce the numbers of issues. But there are no JQL to s...
PROBLEM - Our organization has Jira templates available for anyone creating a new story. The template sets some fields and provides some instruction on how to format acceptance c...
I would like to add some standard template text (ideally in the description field) to Story type items for our project. I do not want to use a marketplace app and I'd rather not use automations/c...
...ontent here in the Atlassian Community for this use case? Example 'Story' we use a story as a 'business opportunity'. This will either go into 'done' status if not moving forward as a project. Or i...
First, I an a true newbie. Agile and Jira do not really fit some of the tasks that we do and here in lies the problem. Here is a typical flow for a story, which I would d...
Based off this example, I understand how to link stories, bugs, Epics, and subtasks using Issues ID's and Parent IDs, but what about Story > Task > Subtask.
We are trying to have a certain ticket type, once submitted automatically create a story with all of the necessary details/fields from the original ticket.
...ocus on delivering value by addressing real user needs. The typical format for a user story is: "As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [a benefit/value]." This simple structure ensures e...
...ields": { "Epic Link": "{{issue.key}}" } } After making the updated on the field, the story is still not populating within the epic. Can someone please provide guidance?
Hello Everyone, it would be great to know how is the logic for Epic/ Story different from Story/ subtasks in terms of functionality delivery, testing, anything tangible?
1. Why do I get these default names after I create a ticket/issue? 2. How to stop getting that? Instead of that, I would like to select the epic and story name explicitly. 3. How to rename these e...
In the world of software development, story points play a pivotal role in managing workload, planning, and predicting product delivery. These abstract units help teams estimate the effort and c...
I have read several threads about it but I cannot get it to work. Exactly which fields should use I how? Ideally, I would like to import a single CSV that contains both Stories and Epics. Th...
Currently I'm writing an automation which will sum all of the Original & Remaining Estimates for an Epics' children. The issue is that it is returning with 0 min. The children have been verified ...
Hello, Our current Testing process is : - Create a Test Case in Xray and put it in Test Repository. - link the Test Case with User Stories it is created against. - Create Test Execution and...
...ub-Tasks, the prompt is no longer there. How should I configure my rule such that Epic, Stories, Tasks and Sub-Tasks are linked together and: 1) when Tasks are done, Story will be closed 2) when S...
Hello everyone I wanted to create an automation that would roll up sum of filed original estimate field from all the subtask to story and the problem is that it don't sum up the o...
...o avoid bottlenecks. e.g. (User Story) Customer can login into our service. In this case, we separate user story into 2 user stories - because Jira doesn't allow user stories to be in 2 sprints....
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