...ot benefit from taking up a licensed spot, but we would like to share visibility on the regular. I tried this by creating the External User role with what I understood as Read-Only access. H...
...rojects to restrict a role's access to issues based on a JQL query? E.g. based on a custom field, label, etc?
I am in the process of trying to come up with a way to create a listener that looks for a change in a specific project role and then goes into the custom field and updates the value to the value in t...
Hello, is there a way to define a custom role just once and then use it in multiple nextgen projects ? I shouldn't like repeating the same custom settings for a lot of projects and having t...
...he board filter and become owner of the filter - Make the board filter publicly visible - Jira administator made me admin for the project - Added me to the administrator group - We also made c...
Hello. Users that are not in the Scheme Manager role, can't move objects in Insight. Is there any way to fix it? Or does it work as intended? Thanks in advance, Denis
I've set up a Next Gen Project with a board, using a workflow to control via Roles who can do what. When I'm moving an Issue from "To-Do Status" to a "In-Progress Status" , I want a Notification t...
...cheme for the roles in my project, setting for almost all the permissions key the values: Project Role (Administrators) Project Role (atlassian-addons-project-access) Project Role ([GVDDP] P...
...redisposition, I had to migrate all of the users from Projects Roles to User Groups. Doing this manually would take hours, maybe days with possibility of making a lot of mistakes. So I took i...
...icenses is possible only in the Basic role. But then the user cannot administer the Service Desk project. How to make it so that it only uses the ServiceDesk license, for example, and can administer t...
HI, In Time Tracking, I would like to allow update. But when I include in EDIT Screen, every one can edit Original Time Estimate. But, I would like to give this option only to specific role...
Добрый день. Был подключен Jira Service Desk У пользователей которые имели доступ только на просмотр Jira Software в списке проектов появилось демо Jira Service Desk. Считаю это гру...
Hello everyone, I want to give access to clients on my Jira to see user stories' statuses and descriptions. But I don't want to let them see sub-tasks. How can I solve this problem? Thank you
Hi Team, We're planning to migrate all our users from all projects to the new proposed roles. There can be one to one mapping or one to many mapping between old v/s new roles. Since, there a...
Hello, i'm trying to set up Jira to see if it fits our needs. I need to give a limited access to a group of people. I've created the role, assigned a user, and tried to give the right permissions....
I need to create some filters based on Jira project role. I don't see Project role in the picker, there is something called "Team Role" but the values returned all say "None". What is going o...
I have created Tempo teams and added users and given the users Tempo roles. How can I create a Tempo team report grouped by Tempo Role?
...ize fits all model for a Jira project. SO WHY ARE ROLES UNIVERSAL? One of the most important, if not THE most important use cases of a project role is the ability to delegate role m...
Hello, We have one Jira project in which we want to work with an external partner and some internal users. However we do not want that the external partner can view the content of the "Activity" and...
I create few new accounts role and send default user on roles, but on existing accounts not working on account users pages. I can add user to this role, but i can't see default users when i open p...
...ffectiveness of their teams with Atlassian's solutions. In this role, you'll cut across multiple technical disciplines and customer roles to guide the implementation, integration, and expansion o...
I want to allow some roles in project to have a read only access to role/Right Matrix ( https://myhost//plugins/servlet/project-config/MYPROJECT/roles ) EDIT : I don't want to give read-o...
...hen to "Development" apart from the designated "IT Owner". Likewise only Developer User Roles should have access to move to "QA" and so on.... Question: How can we achieve this?
I'm having trouble removing a user group from being the default membership for the User role. The group is populated by AD logins, and is our equivalent of the jira-users group (and named very s...
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