Are you interested in hearing what's new and coming soon in our products? We've got you covered! Join Atlassian product and marketing leaders for our Quarterly Roadmap for Software Teams - Oct...
Hello Community, We’re always looking at how to improve Jira Service Management and customer feedback plays an important role in making sure we're investing in the areas that will bring you the mos...
Hi everyone, Ensuring our customers have a great experience with our products is our top priority. Your feedback plays an important role to ensure we’re investing in the areas that will provide the...
As we start a brand new year, I’d like to thank you again for your support and feedback and share another update on some of the exciting improvements we’ve released or are working on for Confluence i...
※本記事は、Dhiren Pardhananiが2022年12月21日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – December 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 コミュニティのみなさま、こんにちは。 先日アトラシアンにHead of Clou...
1 August 2023: Thanks for your interest in how work is progressing on Atlassian Cloud Migration. There's a new End of server sale & support – July 2023 update now availa...
Hey Community, It’s time to wrap up another busy quarter with an update on what we’re hearing from our customers and some of the work in progress or already delivered to improve Jira Software. Sinc...
...orking on. For additional updates, you can follow our public roadmap and release notes. – Natalia
※本記事は、Parthaが2022年9月28日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – September 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。これまでの18か月間、移行やサーバー製品の販売およびサポート終了についてお客様からいただいたフィードバックを四半期ごとに...
...ake 10k agents publicly available by the end of the year. Shortly after that, we will offer a 10k - 20k EAP. Integrations and extensibility ”I would love to see improved i...
24 January 2023: Thanks for your interest in helping us shape and improve Confluence. There's a new Update on Confluence Cloud customer feedback – January 2023 now available, so thi...
20 December 2022: Thanks for your interest in helping us shape and improve Jira Software. There's a new Update on Jira Software customer feedback – December 2022 now available, so t...
21 December 2022: Thanks for your interest in how work is progressing on Atlassian Cloud Migration. There's a new End of server sale & support – December 2022 update&n...
28 September 2022: Thanks for your interest in helping us shape and improve Jira Service Management. There's a new Update on Jira Service Management customer feedback – September 20...
28 September 2022: Thanks for your interest in helping us shape and improve Jira Software. There's a new Update on Jira Software customer feedback – September 2022 now available, so...
28 September 2022: Thanks for your interest in helping us shape and improve Confluence. There's a new Update on Confluence Cloud customer feedback – September 2022 now available, so...
※本記事は、Parthaが2022年6月8日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – June 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。前回に引き続き、お客様に世界レベルのクラウドエクスペリエンスを提供するための取り組みの進行状況をお知らせします。 私はお客様から...
...ur enterprise platform. In my last update, I shared that we'd launched HIPAA compliance for Jira Software Cloud and Confluence Cloud. We now have plans on our public roadmap to improve the HIPAA end-u...
...equirements in your industry and geography. In our public roadmap, we’ve set a high bar for what we plan to achieve in those areas. To date, we’ve reached some new significant milestones and updated several o...
※本記事は、Parthaによる英語記事「End of server sale & support - December 2021 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。前回の更新では、サーバーライセンスの販売およびサポートを終了しながらお客様に世界レベルのクラウドエクスペリエンスを提供するにあたっての不確定事項...
1 March 2022: Thanks for your interest in how work is progressing on Atlassian Cloud Migration. We've since shared an End of server sale & support – February 2022...
29 September 2022: Thanks for your interest in helping us shape and improve Jira Software. There's a new Update on Jira Software customer feedback – September 2022 now available, so...
10 December 2021: Thanks for your interest in how work is progressing on Atlassian Cloud Migration. We've since shared an End of server sale & support – December ...
...pdates To stay across of future developments, add yourself as a watcher to the relevant suggestion tickets as well as keeping an eye on our public...
...nvironment and meet your unique security, compliance, and scale demands. You can run Data Center on your own hardware or host behind your own firewall in public cloud providers such as AWS or&n...
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