Hi, I want to print all issues in Jira into a PDF or other file (CSV or Excel), but it printed all the fields in my instance, I just want some specific fields to be printed. Is it possible to do t...
Hello Atlassian Community. I am looking for an app for JIRA that my company can use to generate pdf files. The application should preferably be able to take custom fields from JIRA and insert the c...
Export to PDF is dropping info panels and task reports. Anyone else experiencing this? Thoughts on resolution?
I don't know if this is a bug or a feature but as of today the PDF export option is now including the owner tag, last edited etc. at the top of the page. Is there someway to disable that?
...rint a 25 page document off however after page 17 images were not exported to the word document showing "this picture can't be displayed." The PDF was even worse with images resizing, o...
...or any PDF. Maybe anyone else face this problem with Confluence Data Center 8.5.2?
When I'm visualizing an attached PDF, I can only scroll up/down, but not right/left. Is there a way to do this? It's important for my team to be able to view wide PDF archives without the need to d...
...lso the 31.12.2023. But in the PDF from the same form/Ticket it's the 31.12.2024. has anbody experienced anything like that?
Is it possible to create different collections of pages for generating PDF. The collections must make it possible to reuse pages between different PDF documents. The use case is that we have d...
When exporting a space the size of the titles of the page tree is not as desired. The problem is that when trying to implement code to make them bigger using the class or id of these elements in HTML...
...bsp; 分析 Scroll PDF Exporter for Confluence 和Word Exporter 是K15t 殺手應用,文檔格式打印機姐妹花,同樣是幫助用戶自動生成文檔演示,做到內容,樣式分離。 解決方案 區別 價格:PDF 比Word 稍便宜 可編輯性: PDF:有WYSIWYG圖形化編輯界面,所見即所...
...ossibility to build an automation which exports to doc or prints in pdf the whole issue with the form and attaches to this issue? Then attachment would be simply sent to another Service Management b...
I can not print any card. An pdf file is generated , but the file cannot be opened. I have tried this on different devices and with different cards, but problem is the same on all then. Can s...
A process map generated in Blueworks Live does not display any text! Other PDF's are fine. Is this a known bug and is there a remedy? Thanks
My organization is committed to WCAG 2.1 compliance. I would like to export to PDF and have the result be accessible. As of today Export to PDF functionality results in PDF files that do not pass A...
...eems to be confirmed true, because exporting using the built in PDF export by Confluence will sometimes produce the same error. That said, Scroll Exporter seems to be more susceptible to the error than t...
My company has been using the Agile Cards - Print Your Board power up for so long now. We use it as a method to export a whole list (with full card view) to a PDF that we then save and archive on o...
Hello, In a Confluence space, under content tools -> export -> PDF custom export. If you UNSELECT all pages and click on EXPORT, it still continues to download all pages. I also looked a...
When exporting a Confluence page with a very long table (170+ rows), the last few rows are cut off from the export. Here's the Confluence page: And here's the PDF export of the p...
Is it completely free for upto 10 users or there will be a fee after free trial.
Hi, I'm looking for the way to obtain the Jira documentation in a pdf file. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Hi everyone! Happy Fridayy✌️ I hope you're all having a fantastic⚡day so far! Do you ever find yourself needing to export your JIRA project into PDF or Word format? If the answer is a r...
よくあるお問い合わせ Q. 英語以外の言語が含まれるページをPDFエクスポートするため、下記のドキュメントに沿ってConfluenceにフォントファイルをインストールしました。しかし、エクスポートしたPDFファイルで特定の文字が表示されない(または空白や他の文字で出力される)事象が発生しました。どのように解決すれば良いでしょうか。 別の言語で PDF を作成する 解...
Hello Community! I have some awesome news to share - our plugin PDF and Word Exporter for Confluence Cloud just got a major upgrade with some cool new features to make your work life easier a...
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