...ortals` . To avoid confusion and to secure the URL behind a VPN we were trying to setup Nginx Reverse Proxy, using Nginx ingress controller and K8s External Name service. But getting SSL H...
I am trying to use a nginx server as a proxy server for jira. And I have set up the setting shown in this url: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRAKB/Configure+Jira+to+run+behind+a+NGINX+r...
I'm trying to map public links path to a shorter path. I'm using a Nginx reverse proxy. The same happens with CloudFront. This is the configuration: server { listen 80; l...
Dear All I have Jira and Confluence behind nginx as reverse proxy. but when i want create application link between them i face with attachment error ! i know this error related to my reverse p...
Dear All i want connect Jira and Confluence with application link. both server behind nginx as reverse proxy and both server Accessible from reverse proxy Jira : h...
hi every one i use nginx for revers proxy with the help of the link below https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/configure-jira-server-to-run-behind-a-nginx-reverse-proxy-426115340.html but m...
Hello, when I test the server settings of my synchronization profile I receive the following error message: '403' ('Forbidden') nginx Has someone experience in the configuration of t...
I have Jira and Bitbucket hosted on same machine with nginx which i use as a proxy. I reissue my certificate and follow nginx configuration to update .key and .cert files. After that i restart m...
I'm trying to setup jira server via nginx proxy. made a A dns record for it, made an port forwarding to NGINX (with certbot installed), at nginx i got this jira.blabla.com.conf config server { s...
...eystorePass="certpass" keystoreType="PKCS12" relaxedPathChars="[]|" relaxedQueryChars="[]|{}^\`"<>"/> And my configuration for nginx: upstream j...
Hi, We're running a Bamboo Server on CentOS via http://localhost:8085 and using Nginx doing a HTTPS proxy https://xxx.com/bamboo pointing to http://localhost:8085. Everything is working f...
I would like to set an Nginx as a reserve proxy for my Confluence Cloud because some of our engineers slowly access the Confluence cloud and for local cache purposes. When I set Nginx as a r...
...unning local with internal network address Nginx is installed and running without having any other proxy modules installed. Is there anything else that needs to be enabled and a...
I'm trying to migrate our Confluence Server installation to run in a docker container and behind a reverse proxy (nginx). I have a working setup but only if I do not try to configure nginx to d...
I just freshly installed the confluence. And I am able to do everything fine with the standard HTTP connector including login. Then I follow the document to setup the Nginx reverse proxy. After t...
Greetings, I've followed many of the instructions here, but my BB reverse proxy doesn't seem to work correctly. All of my other (similar) hosts work fine, but BB won't redirect correctly...
ave succesfully runt Jira Core Server 8.5.4 for a while with Nginx reverse proxy as SSL frontend. All was ok until recently upgraded to 8.13.0 and got stuck to problem: Jira starts throwing error 5...
Hello community. I have a hypervisor with multiple virtual machines. On one of the machines, configure a reverse proxy nginx server using the paths (www.example.com/atlassian_app) This machine h...
Hello, and thanks , Looking for advice on creating a public endpoint with bitbucket / nginx as not an expert on latter. We have Bitbucket on SSL serving proxy for on-premise. on the s...
...6899a0a271db82790bf57de35dbbafb099417e4 But when the repository is private i cant access to the content of these web pages. If in the owner change private to public everything is okey but he can't change it for privacy so my question i...
I tried to set up Bitbucket Server, and I successfully did. However, when I tried to put it behind an Nginx reverse proxy, I kept getting a 504 Gateway Time-out error. My bitbucket.properties f...
Hi, When the INGRESSCOOKIE expires before the JSESSIONID we get a blanc page when we visit Jira / Jira Service Desk. We did set our JSESSIONID and INGRESSCOOKIE timeouts to 10h. When a user logs in...
I have my angular and nodejs app hosted on Azure VM (Linux (ubuntu 18.04)) using nginx and pm2 respectively. Now I want to create pipeline by which i can deploy my code to the nginx root folder. S...
server.xml file: https://gist.github.com/bearcatsandor/c056044ad9993d1bfcb8af8b283f666e nginx vhost file: https://gist.github.com/bearcatsandor/c67848be559ef5267efb580ca826ce6f ngnx m...
Hi All, We have been able to push files of 2MB or more previously, but since upgrading to 7.5.0 at the weekend, we are unable to push files over 2MB or so. We are running behind Nginx proxy (both B...
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