Hi, We're running a Bamboo Server on CentOS via http://localhost:8085 and using Nginx doing a HTTPS proxy https://xxx.com/bamboo pointing to http://localhost:8085. Everything is working f...
...nd I already added the generated(from bitbucket ssh section) public key to my server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. How can fix the issue.? (centos 7 server) Pseudo-t...
Dear all, Bamboo stopped accepting connections on port 8443 after the last OS upgrade we did a few days ago. Nmap shows this: ---] START OF PASTED TEXT PORT STATE SERVICE 8443/tcp open https-alt...
Dear all, After reading mutli ticket on that seemlike very same issue, I could not fix mine ... OS : CentOS 8 (fully new and updated) DB : MySQL 8 (fully new and updated) JDBC C...
Hey everyone, I'm a new confluence user and am looking for some help if possible. I'm specifically looking for a recent install guide on newest version of confluence that includes updated versi...
Directions aren't clear. How do I successfully set JAVA_HOME path in CentOS 7 x86_64. This is a VM that I'm testing a Bamboo v7.1.2 install. This is my output for J...
It appears the Apache AJP/1.3 proxy stops working with the 8.11.0 Jira Software upgrade on Centos7. Anyone else have this issue ? I ran the following upgrades successfully prior to 8.11.0....
Problem: Systemd startup script on Centos7 is not start/restarting jira. But manuals starts using the "start-jira.sh" script work. How do I fix the startup script ? Manual runs with the f...
Hi Team, We are planning to upgrade our JIRA instance. Please find below details. JIRA SOFTWARE Current version - 8.0 Upgrade version - 8.5.1 or 8.5.4 Running on - Linux(CentOS) Upgrade m...
Does anyone know if Confluence 7.3.3 or 7.3.4 actually work on CentOS 8.1? I have tried each of these on fresh Linux builds and get nothing at all on http://localhost:8090 . I have had no problems w...
Hello. How can I add to startup service Confluence on CentOS 7? After restarting the server, the service does not start. P.S. This solution is not work
Good afternoon Bitbucket team, We want to have a principle of elements that make up an implementation of the deployment through Bitbucket. What should be used? Is Jenkins important? What ...
Our bamboo service on CentOS 7 is not starting. It shows error as "Failed to start LSB: Atlassian Bamboo Server".
migrating 6.1.2 to a new centos server. I need some help with moving the data over. The XML backup function doesn't work. the page crashes and spits out a proxy error. I tried to do the manual way a...
I just moved Jira Software from a Bluehost CentOS server to a Digital Ocean CentOS droplet and every time I try to start it up, it "loads" (shows the loading graphic and steps and completes the p...
What are the minimum CentOS operating system and kernel version requirements for Jira 7.13? Currently running CentOS 7.1611 with kernel 3.10.0
Where is the script/file which is responsible for backup jira in CentOS?
I am setting up a Bitbucket/Jira machine (CentOS VM / ports 80, 443 and 8080 unblocked). I am running Bitbucket on port 8080 and it's working fine. When trying to install Jira I go through the c...
...ully understanding the instructions. I have installed Jira on CentOS 7 Minimal which I believe uses firewalld as standard. Firstly, the guide starts with iptables commands and then has additional i...
...ost. This is on CentOS 7. I think it's somewhere in /opt/atlassian/confluence/logs. Confluence is managing users through Active Directory. The group is called "Confluence" and has 3 u...
Tested solution on centos 7 minimal last edition sudo yum upgrade (after installation) Adduser confluence Passwd confluence “your password” Make the user confluence root with visudo ## Allow r...
...REROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 7990 This works beautiful on Oracle 6 but not on 7 (same as Redhat Enterprise 7 or CentOS 7). From what I read, there have b...
Hi, I installed Confluence (Server) as services on my dedicated server, now im trying to make it accesibile on https://collaborate.mydomain.com The documentation i found is old. ...
Hi, I installed jira software and jira service desk as services on my dedicated server, now im trying to make them accesibile on https://jira.mydomain.com and https://support.mydomain....
Wanted to upgrade Jira Core to 7.7.1 on my CentOS7, but the installer doesn't work in terminal mode anymore: # ./atlassian-jira-core-7.7.1-x64.bin -c Unpacking JRE ... Starting Installer ....
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