...uestions/How-to-merge-multiple-CSV-files-into-one-CSV-file/qaq-p/1995734 If you know how to do this, please help. I do not know how to use Excel or other tools to merge files or do anything along t...
while trying to merge from one data center to another data center, i exported the dump from one instance and tried importing in pther instance using import projects , while d...
...'m using Bitbucket's Server Plugin example of merge check. Any leads would be appreciated.
Is it possible to move an entire set of boards in one workspace to an entirely different workspace? Such as: move boards from OFFICE to PERSONAL. How do I do this?
Hello Team, Currently we are planning to migrate our Jira software server to cloud. We have few questions regarding GitHub migration. I have identified there is GitHub for Jira app ava...
If I have a new email with a trello account (no boards on it though) and I'd like to merge it with my old trello account (which has boards) without losing any of my boards, how do I do that?
Hi, I tried to use Conditional merge check to prevent merge after 1 PM on Tuesday but I failed. I wrote the codes below in ScriptRunner and I got a lot of Static type c...
I have a connection between Jira and Gitlab, I want my deployments on gitlab to show on Jira Deployments section, it works well for non merge commits, but in the case of merge commits nothing a...
I had merge check minimum approvals set to 2 at the project level, and inherited to all repositories. I changed minimum approvals to 1, but the new merge checks are still requiring 2 approvals. I t...
EDIT: ignore this question because we figured it was an error on our end - we disabled the merge check temporarily. Bitbucket Server v7.17.4 Hi, we noticed that a PR that had conflicts g...
...attern "13.01.00.x". 3. If Yes, we allow them to Merge. I've found a solution or solved particularly for all small tasks and I need your precious help to combine them and get the final result. With p...
...sing merge branch option by keeping commit history, however I do not see changes are taking place. Also, with Diff between branch A and D I am not seeing all commits differences to check upon. I have c...
First of all, does bitbucket support teams? We have a component library that several teams are working on. It would be a 'nice to have' feature if we could enforce a merge check to ensure that at l...
I'm trying to create a merge hook which allows/forbids merge strategy (ff/squash/commit...) on a per-branch basis. That is, after clicking the 'Merge' button on a PR, only selective t...
We have two branches develop master We are working on the "develop" branch with PR. Each developer gets "pull" from the "develop" branch and creates a new branch let's say feature/item-1 and merge...
...f the type refs/pull-requests/*/merge. This was useful for plugins and bamboo plans to produce builds based on such branches to avoid merging a PR that would then break the build in the target b...
Hello! I found this awesome functionality and I'm trying to implement it in a repository just for testing. According to the documentation, to enable the feature, apart from setting a branching model...
...ssue built-in script However, fixVersion = '${mergeRequest.pullRequest.toRef.displayId}' is not working for me, as in Jira issue the names of versions are "2.03", "2.49", a...
1. create PR 1 to merge branch A (at commit id 1111) to branch B 2. run a build; result of build was successful, commit id 1111 marked as build succeeded 3. create PR 2: merge branch A (at same c...
Hi there, I would like to have the ability to add a merge check where I can define (select) users and/or groups which should approve pull requests. Additionally the number of approvals should be c...
I have a CodeFresh pipeline that runs very slow tests. I want it to be triggered on each commit, but I don't want Bitbucket to count it towards successful builds. How do I do that?
I would like to NOT have to keep switching between workspaces. How do I have all boards show up in one workspace so i can stop wasting my time going between workspaces
...ermissions-are-migrated/ the migration process merges the users of a group which already exists in the cloud which is pretty fine for us because we want to have only one group of our employees in the cloud....
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