Hello. Can someone point me to an example manifest with a pipeline building an image on EKS with a local runner? It seems the runner crashes (before even running the pipeline) looking for /var/lib/d...
...bsp; The problem I am having: when running development branch build I can see in logs that Bamboo substitutes the database variable for the one set in master branch. What I mean is, it takes "v...
...lternative ways to implement this check. The goal is to ensure that when a developer raises a new pull request (PR), the build process automatically runs all unit test cases. It would be ideal if these test r...
Over the past few days, I have noticed a recurring pattern where my builds fail consistently for 3-4 consecutive runs, without any changes being made to the code or configuration. These failures c...
...hich I have overridden for branch "development. The problem I am having: when running development branch build I can see in logs that Bamboo substitutes the database variable for the one set i...
Hello, I have a question about a condition in a workflow (which is specific to issuetype QWERTY) but I can not build the condition, I give you the info: Trigger: transition of a QWERTY t...
By mistaken, I have approved and merged the code to next branch before pr build completes. Due to this, build is in progress for long. Now, in bitbucket, that build is still going on and on a...
... or will it only works for new commits, PR , build etc.
Related app: Azure DevOps for Jira Summary: If a feature branch with related Jira issue id is built in Azure DevOps, then the history of all associated builds are shown in the Jira i...
Hi together, i would like to trigger a groovy script in bitbucket when a build state is set to success or failure, but i found no event to react on at scriptrunner listener --> custom l...
The Atlassian documentation on build limits describes the monthly limit and costs of increasing it. I joined a team, and created a few repositories and started to wonder.. Is the build limit p...
...oesn't have the build folder.
Hi, I am running a fastlane build for my iOS application on bamboo. I am trying to save filetype ".xcresult" as a build artifact. This file is present at the provided location but not a...
...efault: - step: name: Build Docker Image caches: - docker script: - echo 'Building Docker image but skipping Deploy for feature branch' - sh ./build-docker.sh branches: development: - step: n...
Hi Team, We have below 2 tasks in "BUILD plan" in Bamboo 9.2.10 , and after this build execution, it has to pass "release number" to "deployment plan". But on Build plan execution, it is g...
Hi There, I have a requirement of using multiple nodeJs versions. For this I am using nvm (node version Manager). In my bamboo plan script task when I run nvm list or nvm use 20 commands, My...
We have a requirements capability variable var = org1|org2|org3 when used this variable in bamboo yaml specs, it gets treated as string text and not as it gets processed from UI config. Please...
The DevOps Automation build triggers expose build details as smart values. The supported properties are: name, url, state and refs. Build Number is not passed along as a smart value and would be a u...
Hello, We are having issues running new build stages on our Build plan with Java Specs enabled. When checking the requirements of the job, it shows the newly added jobs can only be built by 2...
Trying to track down a REST API that will returns a list of all build statuses. Without passing in a list of commit ids. I'd like to write a script to clean up statuses that were left in "in p...
I am attempting to configure the required builds merge check on Bitbucket Server to meet the following requirements: Prevent merging PRs until one specific Jenkins job succeeds on the l...
I have recently observed that pipeline execution is echoing all the variables (workspace, pipeline repo etc.) in the build setup. This was not happening earlier, and I observed this after nov-9. C...
What permissions are required for the bitbucket pipe `atlassian/bitbucket-build-statistics:1.0.1`? There doesn't appear to be anything on https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/bitbucket-build-s...
401 = Unauthorized. Where/How I set the autorization to user's call? I'm trying call http://myhost.com:8085/rest/api/latest/queue/{projectKey}-{buildKey} [POST]
After bamboo spec enablement for repo, any time someone creates a branch on the server, it immediately triggers a build. Even without any commits or code changes. Can we avoid building until a...
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