My JIRA is configured with automation with ACAS to automatically create parent and child tickets for every hit. When the issue is no longer detected via ACAS scan, the issue is resolved. When all the...
Hi guys, I have received a request from one of my coworkers, he ask me to create a mail handler in Jira that made actions on Jira Service Desk... i'm not found how i could configure this, here...
The option to print a QR code for objects is makes sense for physical objects. However, currently most of our objects are logical and it makes no sense to have this option. Is it possible ...
Dear all after an update of Jira Software and Associated add-ons, especially Insight / Assets, we found a annoying bug. Indeed, after a crash, a lot of Assets objects have been re-created. So, I m...
Team We have Jira link for creating ticket , can we change into barcode? So if user , scan the barcode , create a ticket . its that possible?
Is it possible to connect Jira service management (data center) to bitbucket cloud? Or bitbucket data center ?
Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to use the Change Management Workflow for Jira Service Management for the Data Center version above version 8.19. As I see here this app is unsuppo...
Hi Jira Community, I am configuring a workflow in Jira, and I would like to implement a specific assignee change restriction. Specifically, I want users to be able to change the assignee during the ...
We have Jira Core running on EC2 and using RDS. We need to modify CA certificate of the RDS from rds-ca-2019 to rds-ca-rsa2048-g1. In order to achieve this we would like to verify if the Jira server ...
Hi, I wanted to ask the community how you have figured out this issue. We have automation to assign via RR to a specific group. My question is what happens if someone in this group takes a da...
Hello folks, I have received a customer query: Product: Jira Service Management on Datacenter. "We would like to use Assets in JSM for Contract Management. Some of the requirements are: Create a...
what are the steps for migration from JSM data center to JSM cloud?
steps to migrate jira service management from data center to cloud in excel format
In the admin section in JIRA Service Management, for Issues we have, in the Fields section, the Custom fields . We see the project, the issue type and screens associated to the custom fields. ...
the organization wants to integrate Jira service management with Active directory multi-domain solution. I am looking to use Crowd for this purpose but I would like to double-check if Crowd can...
So I've been working with Cloud for a while now and always tend to use the "field required" validator there. However, switching back to a client on DC (9.4/5.4 LTS) I'm missing that validator. ...
※本記事は、Andrzej Kotasが2022年7月14日に公開した英語記事「Announcing the next Jira / JSM Long Term Support release」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 多くのお客様から、Jira Software/Jira Service Managementの次回のLTSリリースにつ...
We know that many of you have been awaiting the next LTS release for Jira Software / Jira Service Management. To help you plan the upgrading in advance, we want to let you know that Jira Softw...
Hello Community! Jira Service Management has had quite the journey over the years and I am excited to share that we recently hit a new milestone, Jira Service Management Data Center 5.0! This release...
A field that I have added to a screen is appearing in the preview of the collapsed Details section on the issue screen, but not on the screen itself. I have checked the configuration (it's not hidde...
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