Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Managing Quality Management System (QMS) compliance has traditionally been a complex and time-consuming task. Ensuring compliance with ISO 9001 standards, conducting internal audits, and mitigating q...
...ecurity. Zero-day vulnerabilities, ransomware, and even accidental employee errors can expose your internal systems to serious breaches. But your intranet doesn’t have to be a vulnerability. In this g...
...o run only on Public Comments. Use of the new feature breaks this. Why do restricted Internal Notes not meet the criteria of {{comment.internal}}?
Internal events are the heartbeat of company culture—whether it’s welcoming new employees, celebrating big wins, or bringing everyone together for a holiday party. But managing these events? That’s w...
Hi Atlassian Community🙂 We’re excited to introduce a FREE Training Processes and Tools Template for Confluence Cloud designed to make managing internal training easier and more organized, the b...
Missed the office cake party again? 🍰 Didn’t catch the latest movie night plans? Worried about overlooking new company policies buried in Confluence? Keeping everyone up...
...ommunication. But what's the best way to communicate? And how do you ensure it’s effective within your company? The key is a well-crafted internal communication plan. In this piece, we'll break d...
...ompany domain and claim its email accounts. Through doing this, the company can distinguish internal employess (managed accounts) and other external users. Then, what if the company doesn't have any d...
Hello I have found several articles with advice to create separate Service Management projects for external and internal requests. Can you please explain why it is more secure and efficient? Now w...
What API interface can be used to retrieve an internal comment flag? This is to easily differentiate if comments in the Service Desk project is either an external or internal.
...oticed that this includes internal comments as well. Is there a way to make it so only non-internal comments are sent? Thank you!
Hi, I'm seeking advice on best practice options for managing SLAs, more specifically the "Time to first response" SLA in scenarios where we need to log an internal issue where the "customer" is n...
I'm having a problem with a servicedesk (JSM) project where non-agents are getting internal comments sent to them in notification emails. I thought internal comments were only for agents, how is i...
I want the participants added to the ticket (participants who do not have agent license) to be able to read the internal comments as well as be able to add a new internal comment. Is this p...
From the Halp Team Howdy! 👋 We’re Halp, a conversational ticketing help desk for all of your internal requests in Slack (and soon to be MS Teams!). We’re excited to be a part o...
...rganization, the adequately structured internal knowledge base can save time, unnecessary efforts, and a good amount of nerves. And the moto of my shared Confluence Spaces is always, "If it looks too o...
My company has JIRA datacenter, and we use JIRA internal authentication. We would like to switch to LDAP, but we have some JIRA integrations developed internally that won't be able to be ported to u...
Is it possible to ensure that attachments made as part of internal comments are not visible to service portal users. This is on Jira Cloud Service Desk. Thanks Mark
...rticle is for external or internal use (i.e. for end users, or for internal support teams). In order to ensure the correct visibility of our knowledge, we have two options: 1) We manually define the p...
Hi, I'm currently using this command to add comments to an issue jira --action addComment --issue [Issue id number] --comment [My comment] Is there any way to make this an internal comment that i...
I want my team to be able to leave comments on an issue that the reporter (Our customer) does not see. I understand that this can be done by selecting the role of the user you wan...
When I click the save button on the user repository page within bamboo I get the following error: (version of bamboo is: 5.15.5) 7/3/2018 Internal server error [APPLICATION URL]= 1/2 Internal...
Hi All Is there a way to distinguish an attachment that has been shared internally or with the customer? At the moment there is only two ways to figure this out If the files are s...
I am using Bamboo from my work. When confirming my new password I get to a new page where it says "Internal server error" with the following message: Caused by: com.atlassian.crowd.exception...
Afternoon All Is there a way on Jira Service Desk Cloud to determine if an attachment is shared or internal? If not, there should be an icon or something to indicate from the list of a...
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