Hello Team, We use Jira for creating and tracking vulnerabilities found in the source code. I want to create a chart/graph (anything is fine) to show the count of vulnerabilities every week.&n...
I am try to query teams using the TeamSearchV2 with the following query: query Team($orgId: ID!, $siteId: String!,$query: String!) { team { teamSearchV2(organizationId: $orgId, s...
...irst examine basic editor tools, then tabs and how they can help you better structure your pages, graphs and visualizations using Viewtracker macros, and lastly, Confluence page templates f...
...fforts. It then generates charts, graphs, and dashboards to help you track and manage capacity without the burden of manual time tracking. We are offering a free beta of Capacity Insights to both h...
I'm using the graphics widget on a confluence page to show some data in a pie chart. I have initialized the data with a table and I'm pretty happy with the result. But once I save my changes I...
I'm using the burnup chart from Simple Custom Reports, Charts & Time in Status for Jira, and the data doesn't match the results of my custom filter. Using another gadget from the same app, I can ...
Hi there, are there any plans to add graph views to databases? This could be line graphs bar chart pie chart This could be implemmeted as a new macro type /database-graph Use cases: For a...
Hi! I try to build an IT service catalouge in Assets. I made the relevant references between services, servers and companies, and when I try to look at it in object graph, it's a mess. Is there a w...
Hi, I want to lookup some issues through the graphql API and managed to put together the components in GraphQL explorer. Now trying this in a node app, I get the error: Invalid JQL: Field 'type' d...
Hi, I want to build an export for insights from JPD, given the product does not offer any method of it. I found it hard to leverage the graphql API but managed to put together the components in Graph...
Since we released the Summary view we’ve received lots of feedback. Many of you love the insights it provides you. We also know many of you want us to show more and do more with the Summary. We ...
...ngaging charts and graphs. And soon you’ll be able to find AI features inside the app too! Stay tuned! You can check out the app on the Atlassian Marketplace. Or b...
Hi! I've been given a task to make a dasboard in Confluence for sales analytics. But this dashboard must visualize data not from Atlassian products but from somewhere else, for example - Excel file. ...
We were converting Charts to Java script using Chart js macro. Then rendering Java script to display the graph using macro html. Since macro html is restricted considering security issues in m...
Hi, I built a Gantt chart from a table and want to exclude weekend from the chart display. Is there a way we could do it? Or any other chart I should rather be using?
Hello, I am aware of the default graph / tree Jira provides for the asset object view in the issue details page. But according to our company needs I need a better or customized graph for the a...
When I go to my repo and click Graphs on the left, https://bitbucket.org/<account>/<repo>/addon/bitbucket-graphs/graphs-repo-page my page is stuck at "Wait, retry, or cancel?" I...
I see that for Bitbucket Server, it has a tree-view built in for viewing commits: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/bitbucket-server-6-1-release-notes-966687591.html Is such a fe...
I work at a large company that locks down access to a lot of things. Therefore, I don't have access to as many macros as I'd like. I'm currently using the 'Chart from Table' and "Table Transformer" m...
My use case is that I've created metrics for things like: unit test coverage, adoption of typescript, use of inline CSS styles - all things I'd like to increase or phase out of the codebase. I've ...
In the chart macro when I select the 'Line' option I cannot see where to enter the data?
how to create a chart from page property report thanks claudia
What determines the order of stacked values in the bar graph displayed when stacked values are checked? can it be changed?
Hi, I want to build a Gantt Chart from a table. I have a couple of dates I want to display as a milestone (show it as a star). Instead I can only get the chart to treat it as an event and show a l...
I want to color bar charts based on certain value, for example any bar having value more than 5 should display red and less than should display Green. Can we accomplish that in Chart from Table macro...
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