I have multiple UI Expand Macros within a Confluence Content module in a Content Layout Macro. I had a few occurrences of changes to the UI Expand macros not being saved, but now I cannot edit any o...
In using the new Confluence editor, I've noticed that the /Expand macro is not searchable. This is severely crippling this macro. In using the macro commonly on FAQ pages, this macro helps to k...
When I embed multiple Google Docs under separated {expand} macros, only the first embedded document that you click to expand will display. Clicking to expand the other embedded documents will d...
I'm trying to automatically write a page with nested expands. I'm able to write to the page without a problem as long as the expands are after one another, but I receive a "BadRequestException: C...
I'm using the expand macro to condense a lot of related information on one page. When using the search bar, the information held within the expand macro is successfully found - however, when you c...
Hello! Using the JiraRestClientFactory, which provides the JiraRestClient, results in default generating request with the expansion of "Schema" and "Names" (&expand=schema,names). This e...
...uspect this will happen on any page. I have an Expand macro, then a Note one immediately after that. It seems that no matter what I do, these two refuse to have any space between them: &n...
Using Confluence Cloud, the default Expand Macro will be in the 'collapsed' state when viewing the page. Is there a way to set the Expand Macro to always show the information within the macro as d...
I'm trying to embed / nest the layout macro within the expand macro to no avail - the layout macro just "jumps" outside the expand macro when I attempt to add the macro. Any ideas if this is p...
Hello, We are transitioning to Confluence Cloud from Confluence Server. A while back, on our Confluence Server we added the user macro "Expand All" per the community suggestions on this forum p...
Hello whould anyone be able to answer or guide us to where information about options to collapse the past incidents? We want to make our site more simple and this would help us a lot in this p...
When creating user facing articles that have a lot of information and images, we use the "Expand" macro. This is a great macro as it condenses the articles down extremely well so the c...
If you don't want to have to cut and paste your content into an Expand after inserting the Expand but rather highlight the content and add the Expand around it, please vote for this https://j...
Bonjour, je suis nouveau et inexpérimenté!... Comment peut-on zoomer l'affichage de l'écran d'accueil de Trello, pour que toutes les listes soient apparentes? Merci
I somehow was able to make expand macros look really nice in my product page. I have a template that I created but for some reason it seems that when others try to replicate my macro, theirs pages d...
...re: I want my footer image on the edge of the PDF page. But due to the margin set on the page. I can't seem to align the image on the edge. On our pages sometimes the expand macro f...
Hi, Is there anyway to allow livesearch to search in Expand title text? Ideally, expand title is part of the page content and it must be searched through. Please help. Thanks, GP.
...all with '?expand=operations' in the query, we are getting the result with expanded property of operations, but when we use the API call with the '?expand=personalSpace', we are not getting the expand...
We are using 'Get current user' API call of confluence cloud(https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/api-group-users/#api-api-user-current-get). When we use '?expand=o...
Once expand macro is inserted, I can not list tasks with a check box which once done could be marked. Is it something what will come int he future? I can only list tasks as bullet points or while n...
I have multiple Expand macros in a page that collects information about version of a file for a project. I would like when I expand one of them the other ones collapse.
I have several expand macros on a page to help organize things but for us to see if there is content in each expand macro we have to go through and click on each one. Does anyone know a way t...
...here is content added in the Expand macro containing the search keys until the user clicks the Expand macro, the user will not know that there are search keys hidden inside the macro. Do you have a...
Hello, How to continue the number list in expand macro in confluence. Right now after moving text to next box the number list is broken.
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