JiraRestClient by default expands "Schema" and "Names"

Rustam Fadeev
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February 10, 2021


Using the JiraRestClientFactory, which provides the JiraRestClient, results in default generating request with the expansion of "Schema" and "Names" (&expand=schema,names). This expansion cannot be changed, as far as I understand. 

In my case, JiraRestClient uses AsynchronousSearchRestClient and, in particular, searchJql method. Inside of it the expansion is done automatically. 

Testing with Postman, I can see that deleting `&expand=schema,names` works well. 

I wanted to ask if such behaviour can be avoided? It adds extra lines in the Response body, which are not used. I think, in general adding more control over requests that JiraRestClient class can generate would be helpful. For example, adding "expands" argument in methods.

Thanks for the help!



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