Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×...est/plugins/1.0/log/feed This feed provides you with updates on the apps that have been installed, uninstalled, or updated on your Jira cloud instance. To receive a daily email notification a...
Every day, a great number of important tasks arrive in our inboxes. It includes customers' requests, project updates, meeting approvals, etc. However, emails aren’t good tools for structured task m...
Hello Everyone, I am excited to announce that we have started rolling out the ability to add multiple support email addresses in JSM project. Now you can add upto 10 email addresses in each p...
👋 Community - Nancy from Confluence PM team and I'm excited to announce one of the top most requested features from notifications: custom email addresses for your Confluence site. Email...
...hare all public (customer-visible) comments made in a issue via email. This design is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to generate reports, notifications, or emails that i...
...hat day has arrived! 🙌 Unblock user invites is a new feature within the Jira system settings. It provides an audit of undelivered invitation emails, detailing the reasons why they didn’t make it t...
...ave introduced Two-step verification for email subscribers when they are trying to manage their Subscriptions. In some cases, email subscription allows users to manage subscriptions of the other s...
...magine a world where external users can submit requests through clear, user-friendly forms that automatically generate pre-filled Jira issues with all the necessary details. In this world timely email...
When was the last time you had an orderly inbox? I mean, absolutely organized. Everything is read and labeled, and important emails are marked with stars. You've replied to all the emails and c...
If you manage a consulting team, you've likely encountered multiple emails flooding your inbox. While a significant portion of communication occurs through instant messaging and virtual meetings, email...
...ntegrates these tools smoothly, facilitating their work and eliminating duplicated efforts. Communication Gaps: When project-related emails, discussions, and attachments are scattered across Gmail and J...
Do you know Gmail 100%? Using it daily doesn't mean you know all its features and tricks. Today, we want to unlock the hidden secrets of Gmail and help you be super productive with your email m...
Recently, the Email&Tasks app celebrated its first birthday. This is an exciting and vital date. A vast number of apps fail to reach such a seemingly insignificant date. But we did, and this y...
Hello Community, My name is Manpreet, and I’m a Product Manager for JSM Cloud. Today, I am thrilled to announce an enhanced experience in how Jira Service Management handles images received via email...
...ira Service Management Cloud. We’ve observed that many a time email notifications aren’t delivered to the intended recipient because their email address is on a suppression list. There is no clear a...
Hi Atlassian Community, In our ongoing efforts to ensure the security of our users, we have decided to deprecate the Single Email Address field in Jira Notification Schemes for Jira Cloud. The d...
Hello everyone! We've already talked to you about Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail, which can convert your emails into Jira tasks in just two clicks. So, let's discuss the latest news and what e...
...onvenient way. Boomerang's notifications are invaluable when it comes to managing Jira issues. You can now receive notifications through email or easily connect with Slack so that your team members can r...
G’day y’all, It’s been a while but Patrick here from the Compass product team. I’m back to announce an exciting new feature for Compass users: the launch of our Weekly Digest email! Check your i...
My headache is always caused by an overflowing email. You come to work, open your inbox and see a small icon with a number; sometimes, it can be a three-digit number overnight. It makes me sad. I...
...o improve their productivity and optimize their workflows. Especially in terms of email! So it comes as no surprise that this would translate to using it in agile fields with the perfect Jira Outlook p...
Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail is a suite of three add-ons (Atlassian Marketplace, Google Workspace Marketplace connector for Gmail, and Chrome browser extension). The add-on is d...
By a show of hands, who has ever thought that it would be nice to create tasks directly from their emails? Instead of jumping from your inbox to Jira, you can convert directly from Gmail. We r...
Good email management is not a simple task. Of course, you can use labels for superficial sorting. But if you're the kind of person who has 100 new emails in their inbox every morning, you need to l...
※本記事は、Irene が 2023 年 1 月 4 日に公開した英語記事「Unsuppress invitation emails with one click」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは 👋 Jira Software のシニアプロダクトマネージャーの Irene です。今日は、招待メールへ送信制限の対応方法が改善さ...
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