Update: Thank you so much for your interest in the Early Access! Everyone who sent a request will receive a response in the coming days. We are closing the EAP sign-up. Hello everyone! ...
Hi everybody! This week I've found out Atlassian is starting an exploration around company-managed projects. You can find this information here. If you miss company-managed projects in JPD, pleas...
Hello Community 😃 We're excited to announce the rollout of a new feature in Jira Service Management: Request type groups for HR projects 🥳. This enhancement is designed to streamline how HR...
...odney Nissen - ReleaseTEAM, and @Dave Liao confirm its usefulness in this blog post. Projectrak is designed to save time from minute one and patch Jira project management needs, protecting s...
Introduction: Creating custom Jira project templates without extensions can present certain limitations that may hinder you from fully achieving your project setup goals. If you're interested in un...
Have a question but don't know where to look? Let us save you some searching! Your browser tabs will thank you. 🫠 Throughout October, you can post your questions in the comments section of...
Hey Community This announcement is for company and team managed projects We’ve been working on an exciting update for teams who work in company and team managed projects and have a large...
Hello Community, We understand the importance of streamlining your workflow and making issue creation as smooth as possible. That's why we're excited to kick off the rollout of inline issue creatio...
よくある質問 特定のユーザーに、特定のプロジェクトだけの閲覧/編集権限を付与したいのですが、どうすればよいでしょうか? 回答 以下のような設定を行うことで実現可能です。 まず、全プロジェクトを誰でも見られる状態(「アプリケーション アクセス (ログイン済のユーザー全員)」への閲覧許可)から特定のユーザーにしか閲覧できない状態に設定、 次に特定...
...anaged Projects in Jira in our earlier blog post? You can catch up right here if you haven't read it yet. Today, We'll focus on a special feature that both these project types have in common - custom f...
Hello Community! Interested in sharing with us how you use Jira Work Management? We’re running research to understand the role of tools in managing your work and projects, and in particular your ...
Hello Community! Interested in sharing with us how you use Jira Work Management? We’re running research to understand the role of tools in managing your work and projects, and in particular your ...
Hello Community! Interested in sharing with us how you use Jira Work Management? We’re running research to understand the role of tools in managing your work and projects, and in particular your ...
Hello everyone, I’m Carol, product manager here at Atlassian looking at issues and fields configurations in Jira Cloud. One of the questions we often get is: “I’ve added the “Story points” field ...
Hello Community! I’m Yuan, a Product Manager on Jira Cloud’s workflow team. We’re working on improving the team-managed workflow editor by adding features to bring it closer to feature parity with ...
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