When cloning a project, the checklist with its respective subtasks is not duplicated. How do I clone the subtasks as well?
Hello community! I have a Service Project in which I get issues with a form already filled in. I automated a rule in which this issue is cloned into another Project, but the information from the f...
Hi Community, I have a Parent Project P and a Child Project C. In Project P, I have configured a Jira automation which clones the Parent issue to Child issue in Project C when a new Parent issue i...
Hi Community, I have a Parent Project P and a Child Project C. In Project P, I have configured a Jira automation which clones the Parent issue to Child issue in Project C when a new Parent issue i...
I am using SourceTree with a Bitbucket Cloud setup (bitbucket.org). I am getting the following error when I try to clone. This is what else I have tried and see. Everything for m...
...hen managing a Jira Service Management (JSM) project, it's crucial to ensure that high-priority issues are addressed promptly. With Elements Copy & Sync, you can clone an issue from a JSM p...
...epositories can clone... well? <screenshot_removed> PS C:\...> git clone https://username@bitbucket.org/workspace-id/repo.git Cloning into 'public-test-1'... remote: Enumerating objects: 4, d...
Hello Community. I am trying to use Deep Clone to clone a structure that has 4 layers (Initiative, Epic, Story, Sub-task). When setting up the clone preset, I get an error for not p...
...ields now should be made global, so that I can reuse them also in the new project. I couldn't find any way to achieve it? (For the bigger need - reusing views, statuses, and fields - a clone of the p...
I want to remove the +2 on the Sprint Field but I it seemed that I cannot delete it. How could I possibly remove this? Hoping for assistance. Thank you!
...atal: Could not read from remote repository. On a "repo", I can go to a "repo" settings and add the server's public key, how do I do this with a snippet? I can clone it with HTTPS, but we are a...
Hello Jira users! Do you ever struggle to bulk clone issues in Jira? Do you need to clone epics with their child issues? Is Jira issue synchronization something that could be helpful? You p...
Is the a way when I clone an epic with stories linked to it that I can clone all the linked stories and sub-tasks to those stories as well.
Has anyone found a way to easily duplicate recurring projects in JWM as you can in Asana (without being a system admin) For example, if I want to duplicate an entire project (that we know will be re...
...CTION will be THEN Clone issue to the same project that the triggering event happened in, the Issue Type is EPIC but I am not sure what I need to put in the Summary field to direct the a...
Hello, I've created an automation that clones specific issues from Project A to Project B. However, I require that all my issues in Project B (including the ones cloned from Project A) be a...
Hello Atlassian Community, I'm a newcomer to Bitbucket and Sourcetree. Having successfully installed these, I now want to clone my Bitbucket repo in Sourcetree. Login to both applications v...
Hello team! My team works on a service desk and from time to time, we need to consult stuff with other internal teams. For that, we use Slack. I've set up Jira assist so that we can create a new i...
when im trying to create a new project from existing template and when im choosing the existing project it is not cloning the configurations any idea on this ? i need to have same configs as t...
Hello I have some problem with standart functional "Clone" For clear test project it`s worked well. But on prod, i mean project with some full fields, and custom fields. I Can`t clone issue, i...
I followed https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/automation-how-to-clone-tasks-stories-along-with-their-sub-tasks-1235853548.html to set up task+sub-tasks cloning automation. When I run it, I...
...tructure of the copied task should remain the same. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to copy, clone ore duplicate tasks including subtasks and keep their dependencies at the same time. i would appreciate a...
...n automation which clones the issue to different Jira Software boards. The cloning and interaction works except the assinging of the clone clone to an existing EPIC in the destication board. &n...
...f each month with JQL looking for tickets with both labels What I'm trying to do, but... am beyond my depth: Branch for each ticket in the results to clone them to the same project and add the c...
Im trying out the “Post-Function Workflow - Clone Issue” function on a JSM Cloud project for a workflow transition. First things first, cloning works like a charm! Second... Can’t figure out h...
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