Hello all! I am currently using this ({{issue.worklog.timeSpentSeconds.sum}} /3600) /8 in my automation which will pull worklogs on an issue and turn it into days and updating a custom ...
Hi everyone. I'm trying to build an automation to calculate the total debt for a specific client. Epics are my clients and my tasks "Facturas" are Bills. My tasks have a numeric field "Monto" (amou...
how to calculate a field on a linkissue with a certain status? for example linkissue with status “In Progress” & and status “Completed” and what needs to be added to the following Query: &...
...prints that are managed via that scrum board. As such, we are able to view the sprints across the top of the plan. The problem we are seeing is the calculation of capacity for each sprint. D...
Hi Team, I need help in script runner to get script for 1) "Sum of Feature story point" =Story calculation at Feature level(Sum of Story point Story,task and subtak) 2)"Sum of Epic Story p...
...assed since a certain week (e.g., "Report 17" in week number 22). My current approach is to set the card's title to "Report {weeknumber - 5}". However, the calculation is not evaluated. I did some r...
Has anyone tried to implement quantitative risk analysis, as in, "expressed in €", and a related ROI calculation, to their Jira based risk management process and risk register? Looking t...
Hello Community, I have a custom numeric field - "Effort savings", each EPIC has a value in it. Let say, I have 10 EPICS, so, I want to sum the values of "Effort savings" field from 10 EPICS and s...
My goal is to be able to subtract Story points from an Initiative when a new story/task is pointed underneath the Initiative and Epic. Some background: My org uses the "Parent" field to ...
I have following command to calculate variable {{KMProgress}} as a percentage of count of done items divided by the total count of items: ({{KMDoneCount}}/({{KMTotalCount}})*100) Both of t...
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to do simple calculations. What I'm looking for is basic calculations of numeric values like sums. If it's not possible right now, is this planned for the future?
...ay to do calculations within the Table. I want to show the HWneeds cumulated so in 06.02.2024 it would be 55CPUs and in 05.05.2024 it would be 65 CPUs and not 10. So the numbers get summed up to a...
We are using jira cloud We need to know how the % done is calculated FOR EPICS If we do the math the correct % should be 56% as work done /resolved Total 18 points , ...
Hi everyone! I feel like I'm channeling my inner @Kristján Geir Mathiesen here, but did you know (😉) that you can actually use mathematical calculations in Confluence tables with t...
We've got some numeric values, and I wanted to create a automation calculation to come up with a final "total score". 1st I set triggers (I think they are not so important here) 2nd I added s...
I want to automate the steps to count and generate a sum of a specific custom field. The custom field is a single select list. There is a secondary custom field to contain the sum. This is the autom...
...f this to be part of Jira automation since the calculation needs to be done real time for thousands of tickets. Thank you very much for the help.
Hellow, I have a report with this tables: "Defects total / defects ok / defects nok / % defects ok" I would like to have the % in the last column change depending on the numbers in the first c...
Hi all, my request is about the ticket type Epic. When stories are linked to an epic, they are listed as "Issues in epic". I would like to display the total number of "Issues in epic" as a number ...
In Jira Server, I'm attempting to calculate the average of several number fields within the same issue. As a starting point, I've tried using the '+' operator to see if I could simply sum all the val...
I am trying to set a due date for all items in a checklist to be 1 less working day than the date in a custom field. This is the rule I've created: The checklist loads, but it doesn't add the du...
I want to create some JQL statements that filter the following data. Each bullet can be a separate filter. I can imagine I can join them as desired: all issues where time remaining + time lo...
Hello i want Summing a custom Number field per assigne 1. i have a custom Number field which is QA story points, and qa assignee 2. may expectation i want to appear like this
...cripted fields for other sql queries based on the part number and calculation fields. Just trying to figure out why identical configs are running different -Jordan Edit: Additional info, I'm l...
Hey, Short question....if I have a simple calculation it seems it's not possible to type the value with comma, like e.g. 1,5. It's just work if I type 1.5. Is there a way to use e comma instead a...
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