Here my code i'm trying to acces a customfield value but i'm having an error string[] parentIssuekeys = linkedIssues(issuekey,"Link",1); string highestSeverity = "None"; for(string p...
...eeded to be unique. My thinking was that I could split each epic by the three pipes ("|||") and then do string manipulation to get the key, summary, assignee, and priority for each. Alas, I couldn't f...
Hi, in my automation I have a string that ends with the string ": CHGnnnnnn" where n is any digit. I want to remove the " : CHGnnnnnn" part from the string so I am left with the root e.g. "i...
Original question below but having done further testing is more fundamental How can I use variables in the String replacement part e.g. {{"CHG","GHC")}} works but V...
...he end, so I did some search and found out that 'abbreviate' can be used with different parameters, so {{abbreviate(string, null, 8)}} would leave just the abbreviation. But is it possible to use t...
...orks, but if they press ‘enter’ on the keyboard and create a new line in this field, Confluence shows the below error when they try to submit. “invalid format. Unterminated string at 1225 [c...
How can we prevent text string being treated and shown as a Jira issue link? We have the set-up where our document naming convention is close to the Jira issue naming convention. This causes s...
I want to create a listener so when a custom field is updated the value is converting to lowercase. Field 1 is a short text field When Field 1 is updated with a value like ABC123 ...
...9T17:41:15Z","resources":["arn:....."]} From the message field in OpsGenie I want to grab the arn and place it into the alias field. I've tried using string processing and regex methods to extract the a...
...sset value to a new custom field, short text type. At the moment it's raising an error requiring a string value to complete the operation. I can't find any function to convert a field into a string...
...s strings and a value of User's Full Name could be recognized in the field Users' Full Name, Email, Username. Thanks for the help, Masa
Hi. I have a variable in a Jira Automation Rule that holds the contents of a calculation. I would like to remove the number 1 if it's the very first character in the string. Lets say my v...
Hello I have a field as a string, which contains a number (Yes i know... i didnt create it :x) In the filter i want to create, i need to order the result by this field. Something like this :&n...
...ira 7 it doesn't like the escape characters. I looked at multi line strings like: mBody = '''You are receiving this email because you are listed as a supervisor for line\\/area: $userLine .&l...
Its about reporting with EazyBi. The source is a "Grid Table" in Jira, a complex estructure not compatible with EasyBi. looking for simulate a table data structure importing a te...
for example, I want to include the results from a internal search engine where the seach is for the page title. I see some references to the page title as a session varable but I have no idea how t...
Hi All, I want to convert a plain String to a URL(clickable link) in a vm file. I have tried using $link.encode(String) but it takes as a literal. That is , it just prints "$link.encode(String)", d...
In Confluence v.5.3, I'm trying to write a User Macro that creates a table from my index page's children. Each child page has an Excerpt macro in it that I need to add to the index page's table. From...
I am upgrading from JIRA 3.x to 4.4.4 and some workflow transitions are generating the following exception and I would like some insight on how I can resolve this. As the exception does not reference...
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