I have 2 teams working on Jira using the same scrum workflow, but some statuses have different meanings between teams. For example, after an issue is created, the first status is To Analyse, t...
Hi, It is unclear most of the time, what the actual status of a (parent) task is on our Jira board when the lane is collapsed. For example, a ticket multiple sub-tasks, some are committed, and s...
how to calculate a field on a linkissue with a certain status? for example linkissue with status “In Progress” & and status “Completed” and what needs to be added to the following Q...
...urrent status for each identifier. This identifier field holds constant values like an employee id and are to be assigned to records in Form A. Form A - Projects Project Name (Text Block) Project S...
While someone was presenting their screen I saw their status fields had extra icon characters in them but mine do not, we are hitting the same server and project. He was on chrome, I was on Firefox b...
Hello, I need to update jira status to pending form in progress and to achieve this we need to update pending reason field and external comment so only after that sttaus will move to pending. i a...
...here a new/latest open ticket on JSDCLOUD on how customers can sort by the Status or Summary or Projects column? https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-357 https://jira.atlassian.com/b...
Hello! I am running into an issue with automatic assignment of the assignee on an issue to the current user when transitioning an issue from To Do status to In Progress status (on a company-m...
...evel as Initiative and two Child Projects (as Project C1 and Project C2) with issue type level as Epic 1 and Epic 2 respectively. In Project P, I have five statuses: Intake > Pre-checks > A...
I need to move a ticket from Done to back in progress. For some tickets this is an option but for others it isn't. I can not figure out the difference between the tickets that would cause this. Ultim...
...ompany) to be able to change the status of one of these new tickets, using the 'Change Status' button in Slack. Us admins can change the status without issue, but I'd like the wider team to be able to do t...
Hi, Is it possible to block the transition to status after a change from it? Maybe add a validator? For example, once you change from "in progress" to any status...
When a user transitions an issue from In Progress > In Review, I'd like to prompt the user with a pop up window to choose who to set the Reviewer as. From what I can tell, via automation ...
Hello, I would like to ask for help regarding the issue detailed in the attachment. Tickets with "reopened" status in active and passive sprints do not appear on the board. How can I show i...
Hey community, I am facing a weird behavior in my status field dropdown. The next status in the workflow is always shown twice in the selection: My initial assumption was, that the c...
Hello, I am wondering if it's possible in Confluence to display the status of my pages directly in the title within the tree structure, without needing to click into each page to view the status m...
...oard for delivery. However, as this workflow would require unique statuses, we are worried about those statuses being available on other boards. We have just had a clean-up of statuses and we d...
...esolution is set correctly for both statuses, and both are categorized as "Done." Despite this, the progress bar does not reflect the updates for the "ARCHIVED" status. Additionally, the progress bar o...
Can I create a "Status Tree" ? I have used [Handy Status], but cannot find a way to narrow down status selections with each succeeding status. Maybe there is another Macro to use? Example: 1...
I created a scrum board using the default workflow. Scrum Master requested I add a deferred status to the workflow. I added that status to the TO DO status. The requestor now w...
Hello Team The current statuses are good, but I want to add a new custom status to my project. Can you please tell me how to do this?
Can anyone help resolve this error message I am now getting when trying to assign a custom status to a database I have created? I had created a few custom statuses and now when I try to use any of t...
Hi, I see the status of the pipeline as In progress when one of the manual steps in the pipeline Redeployed (even though it was many hours ago). According to the Atlassian team member's&n...
Hello, We are unable to use Jira anymore. In our logs, we found the following error message: "Cannot find status with id %s. Please remove the unknown status from your time metric configuration....
Issue: I cannot store more than one Fix version. What I'm currently struggling with is, when my task is transitioning from Ready for Release to Done, I copy the Proposed version into Fix v...
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