Hello, I need to get the spent time per assignee in a dashboard, including the time of the subtasks. I currently have a Workload Pie Chart, but it does not include the subtasks. How can I s...
Hi! I want to create subtasts automatically but only once. I created a rule to create several subtastks with the "manual" trigger. The problem is that I wanted to add a condition so the subtasks...
...heir associated Subtasks. For now, I’m fine with a manual trigger, but eventually, I’d like to fully automate the process so that the following actions occur upon Epic creation: On Epic creation, the a...
Hi, It is unclear most of the time, what the actual status of a (parent) task is on our Jira board when the lane is collapsed. For example, a ticket multiple sub-tasks, some are committed, and some...
I am a Project Manager for a JIRA project, and we are currently in the development phase. I create sub-tasks within each story for development and assign them to my dev team. My team enters the origi...
When I've worked in Jira previously, I've always been able to see the due date in subtasks alongside the initials of the assignee. This doesn't seem possible in the Jira project I'm working in. I...
I want to restrict the creation of subtasks per issue type using forge code and not automation but I don't know how. Can you give me a solution ?
...r I could assigned the task different sprints. But in Jira, Task and User story are sibling. They are at the same level. I started to use subtasks to define actions for hierarchy. My problem is when I...
Hello , I want to move subtasks from parent to another using forge , but the problem is when i click on the moving icon , there's no change . I don't know why , here is the code of my forge app :&n...
I have created a team-managed project consisting of a single issue type and subtasks. It is incredibly important that the sub-tasks be seen on the board and can be moved from column to column. H...
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