Does the Project admin profile accumulate all other project roles? If I assign a Project admin profile to one person. Will it automatically accumulate all other permissions from o...
Hello, I would like to configure my XRay Project to restrict user access depending on their role : With Role Tester, I want user can create test execution cannot create t...
...f the box' in its configuration with a set of users at differing role levels. What am I missing? What do I need to do to make the Jira Automation user work as the actor? Thanks!
Hi team, I have encountered a role that I want to update or delete. I don't have those options in my screen. How can I work with it? I only have the option "view usage" on this one.&n...
I see that is possible to set roles for the whole scheme and for a singular object type; I need some people to be have the Developer role in one specific Object Type and not be able to visualize t...
Hi, I read an article at which mentioned that the free version of the app s...
...oftware project. We have a few custom issue types, but this affects all issue types - custom or standard ones. We have created a custom role ("Fachbereich") for a group of users which s...
I added a user to a group (which has the "Team members" role) and additionally added him with the role “Delivery Manager“ via the People > Add button. Somehow, he ended up in the jira-users g...
Hey, everybody. I have a problem - I can't delete issues in my project. I used to fix it by giving the right roles, but now when I try to give myself a role where I can delete issues, I get an e...
Hello everybody, I am confused. I onboarded the users via Groups. Users with the Permission Role "Users" should not be able to Create/Edit Asset objects. Only Developers, M...
Hello, I have an issue : To manage the access rights of a backlog A, we use the distribution lists (those accessible in Outlook). We've been using this for a while now. The list works but s...
How to block user role from executing certain issue transition when they are also the assignee of the issue?
...lready helped me a lot. However, I'm a bit lost in setting up Groups and Roles (and changing the default values). For these 8 projects, I would have liked to use only the groups. Unfortunately, the HR p...
Dear community, is there a good official infographic that explains the roles that exist in Atlassian? Company Admin, Site Admin, Project Admin, Product Admin, User etc... Best! Ravid
Hi, I am using a Discovery Project and I only want to keep three Creator roles on the project. But when I change the Project role, although the role change is getting reflected - the P...
Hi there! I have a question about the filter function in project management list view: One of my colleagues has a specific role, e.g. he can create issues but he cannot edit issues. When he c...
Hello All - I recently inherited a Jira project that I am responsible for administering from here on out, I noticed something odd in the Roles > View Project Roles section in the project s...
Hello everyone! I need to update the field through the api, which is tracked by roles, to be more precise, the field is divided into 2 roles: developer and tester, and I want to update only the d...
Hi Folks, my 'Portfolio Managers' can't see the Epic Prioritization option (under More Options) in the Epic List? I can as I am an Admin. Where is the setting that allows this for a particular Role...
...bsp; I even tried adding users to the "Administer Projects" role, in which that role didn't grant them that access either. What would be the correct roles to make sure these users are able to f...
When a user is assigned to multiple Teams for different reporting reasons, you can pull a Tempo report based on the different teams and they would show up with their respective roles. H...
Hello, I have added an AD Group to a JIRA project and assigned it a role. However, the permissions of the role are not applying to the group. For example: The role the AD Group was a...
Hi, I have a Jira automation role to automatically transition project tickets from state to different state depending on github status. For example, when pull request is created -> put t... both a JIRA Global Admin and a JIRA Project Admin (for this specific project). Problem: I can not create a new Access / Role within my project. Each time I try to create a new Access / Role, I...
We are wanting to clean up the roles we have in the system that aren't being used and rename other so that they are more descriptive of the personas in that ROLE. Is there a way we can do t...
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