Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×...racks spent vs. allocated budget Resource Allocation: Displays team distribution and availability Milestones & Deadlines: Highlights upcoming and missed milestones Risk Assessment: I...
...ike to assing resources (not users) to the tasks, so I can have a clear view of how many operators do I need on factory at each time. Is there any way to do that? They are mainly non e-mail holders s...
Hi, a very common use case is that companies want to do resource management on issues in Jira, and plan Initiatives or Epics multiple weeks in advance on one or more users or teams. Example 1: I k...
Hi 各位 Jira 社区的小伙伴们, 有个令人振奋的消息要告诉你们!我为大家带来了一个绝佳的学习机会:之前收费的 Atlassian 大学按需课程现已全部免费开放给社区用户啦!这意味着现在你有更多的机会去学习,无需再为费用而犹豫,让我们一起共同成长,逐步变成 Jira 专家吧! 在这个挑战与机遇并存的年份,我特意为大家整理了一份 2024年 的课程清单(文末附课程链接),希望能为你的学...
...nto the realm of effective Jira capacity management to ensure that your projects stay on course and your teams remain productive. Importance of Capacity Management in Jira Jira resource c...
Hi Community, we're going to talk about Jira and these plugins. We'll look at the top 5 plugins for Jira in 2023 that make planning resources even easier. We'll talk about what's good about these p...
Hello, Community! 👋 I'm Teresa from DevSamurai, Today I'm sharing with you guys information about Resource Planning and how to use TeamBoard ProScheduler to manage resource...
...hat besides Atlassian? Any great YouTube channel or any other resources that I can use? I am mainly looking for as many mock tests as possible but there are none available publicly. Any suggestions?
...bsp; Managing a project and leading it from its initial phase to its final stage with the proper resources without overrunning the assigned budget can be challenging. One of the ways to go about it i...
I added a web resource. Now I need to add this image from the web resource to the servlet page. I found a very long url that consists of hashes and looks like this: s/d...
JCMA and CCMA can be a bit of a resource hog. Is there any way to run these in more of a background mode so that users are not seriously impacted while a test migration is in progress? T...
HI, I have a question for the best approach regarding the Usage of Jira with multiple ressource dependencies. My Case is the following: When I have a project called Test (TST) where we plan a ...
Project management is way more complicated than just having a plan to follow through. Namely, you ought to take the human factor into account. How to manage limited resources to ensure your project w...
I love planning ahead with advanced roadmaps. But I have an issue to account for resourcing. I know that I can adjust the velocity expected in the sprint from the roadmaps, but what's I'm looking for...
I want to do weekly / monthly resource planning on "project" level so that I can visualize how many resources will be assigned to X project and how many resources will be available after Y months....
...achine has on every day. The functionality of Tempo Planner seems promising to me, except that everything there is based on time units and meant to be used for human resources. What I like there is the s...
...o enable/disable modules for each initiative (project) separately, so the modules set can be fully adjusted to the actual needs. For instance, for a classic project, you can enable just Scope, Gantt, Resource...
I am using Bg Picture for a long time with no issue. Today, after extending the duration of projects in Big Picture I realized that the effort (original estimate) is NOT distributed (0/origina...
In the tempo resource planning i am lacking project information. I can only see the issue title and code but not the project title. Is it possible to extend this? Is it possible to have a group-by f...
Has anyone tips or suggestions about if and how you can plan individual resources in JIra. To explain a bit more. We use Jira for our development teams and that works fine. We use different p...
Hi, everyone, I'm trying to configure a resources/connection in scriptrunner from jira to an external database in mariadb. These are the parameters I'm using right now: JDBC URL: jdbc:mariadb://o...
I would like to create a Database Connection resource in ScriptRunner for an external MySql database (our Jira instance uses a different database engine). I have verified that all the information I...
TL/DR: The Atlassian Trust Center has new and improved Atlassian Compliance Resource Center! The Atlassian Trust, Security and Engagement team are proud to ship our latest project - the New A...
Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to manage with Jira the resources allocation. In particular: how can I allocate a certain % of a resource on an issue? To be clear, I'd like to allocate to t...
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