We are trying to shift more leadership reporting to our Atlas Project Dashboard, but our PMO uses a Jira Business Project to track enterprise wide projects and those Epics do not show up as l...
...he evolving role of the Project Management Office (PMO). Let’s spark some conversation on how we can boost our Agile practices using Atlassian tools. Here’s the scoop: Embracing Agile C...
...Atlassian 解决方案顾问 | Atlassian 全球认证专家 | Atlassian 杭州社区负责人 海洋信息技术专业研究生,在职场摸爬滚打13年,曾担任互联网企业 PMO 总监 有丰富的 Jira 与 Confluence 等 Atlassian 产品实战经验 曾服务于保险金融、移动电商、智慧旅游、互联网医疗、 Web 3 等行业 长期专注...
Good day, I have been tasked with setting up a PMO and I was looking to use Jira to accomplish this. Has anyone set up a PMO before and what are your recommendations for establishing g...
Hi Everyone, I am looking at ways of using JIRA to manage a PMO Function across development and delivery teams
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