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×Hi, When I am exporting PDFs of pages in my personal space on Confluence cloud, there is always a small gradient at the bottom of every page except for the title page: I've deleted all styles f...
Does anyone have an idea what power-ups I can set to automate when a card changes the list to send an email to a predefined email address for that card name. For the second name of the card to go to...
We currently use Adobe Acrobat Standard DC to add comments (text) to pdfs and save. We then attach pdf to jira issue for documentation. When we click on the attachment for viewing in j...
Just started this week any tables in a PDF export have a shadow or 3D effect on their edges. This looks really unprofessional. The inline page does not have this issue as all the tables are s...
Hello, up to now, we have displayed a background image in the header of our exported PDFs that covers the entire width. This also worked on Confluence Server in the single export. In a...
フォルダのPDFエクスポートは可能ですか? 可能であれば、方法を教えてください。
The attached images are not displaying in PDF in the Title and Header sections: This displays only the title in PDF but not the image. It worked last week, but currently it is broken. How to f...
There is too much space between the page title and the top page edge. Is there a way to fix it using CSS? Tried something like: @page { margin-top: 0; } and it doesn`t help at...
I tried using the newer JIRA Issues widget, but when exporting to PDF, whether using Confluence inbuilt PDF export or Scrolls add on, it comes out as a link. The Jira Legacy widget appears to work a...
We have a section as a folder in the confluence, and after exporting it to the PDF, we get an empty page with the folder name and the message: export.whiteboard.not.supported The inner c...
Hello, all bullet lists after exporting to PDF look weird. And the bullets are too big. Is there a way to fix it using CSS? Thanks
現在、Confluence の PDE エクスポート機能を使用していますが、エクスポートされる PDF のフォントが文字化けしており、この問題を解決したいです。下記のご回答お願いいたします。使用PCはMacです。) PDFエクスポートで使用されるのであればフォントを変更する方法はありますか? 特定のフォント(例: Noto Sans やヒラギノ)を PDFエクスポート時に表示させたいのです...
...etter Excel Automation Set up automation rules to export data on a schedule. 3. How to Export Jira Tickets to PDF PDFs make everything look a little more professional, don’t they? Exporting your t...
...ield. Once the quote data is ready, a salesman will click a button to generate a professional Sales Quotes PDF document with your company logo and any additional data of your choice. That document will b...
About two weeks ago, the preview of pdf-files attached to cards stopped working. The old files attached before this date is working fine, but all new just show up as a blank page. If the d...
This is the PDF generated without changing the stylesheet: If you add a header ("my header"), the formatting of the PDF will change. Stylesheet with header added: PDF g...
Hi Everyone It seems that it was not possible to export captions in previous versions, but recently I found a document that has image captions in it PDF. How could this have been done? When I...
Has anyone been able to create a watermark on exported PDFs from Confluence? I'm able to get a custom footer to appear for each exported page but the watermark simply won't behave according to my c...
Is it possible to let sum up a pdf and give a short conclusion of the pdf within the AI of Confluence or do i need to use a external AI to do this?
Hi, I would like to attach a PDF file to an article I am composing, Will the PDF content be searchable? I've found a few articles in this forum however they are from 2013\17\18 , feels quite o...
...xport when exporting the Confluence Page to PDF. I can have 10 huge iframe elements in a row that don't show in the PDF and it's not even empty space, the PDF just has nothing there. Atlassian s...
I work for K15t, an Atlassian Platinum Marketplace Partner. We've recently launched a PDF Template Library to show what's possible when exporting PDF content from Confluence! 🎉 All o...
Recently one of our three Confluence instances stopped generating thumbnails for uploaded pdf files. Excerpt from the log: 2024-05-07 09:51:57,062 INFO [http-nio-8090-exec-11] [synchrony.service...
Hi there, we are using the free of charge Jira in order to organize an event. We would like to add attachments to our tasks (Stories) like pdf, xlsx, photos etc. Via a Windows PC by loggin in to o...
Dear community, I am searching for a solution to publish PDFs to a page which can be filled in and then printed. Reason is, that I have users with a low level of computer experience and I do not w...
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