...ontains two columns. User Email and User Office. I want to use a lookup function to lookup the User Email in either database and get the User ID/User Office, so I end up with a database with all three c...
...n issue gets linked to the parent ticket. I have tried a way using branching rules and lookup issues condition - but it takes a long time to return. What can we do here?
Hey community, I have seen a few questions / posts on this topic and so I thought I would write an article summarising a few customer use cases I have had recently where I used lookup t...
We link our service desk tickets to our product tickets Our product tickets have a checkbox field called Clients. I have the trigger working the way I want but it can't find the lookup v...
...e to do a lookup using this JQL: "Related Block ID" ~ "{{triggerIssue.key}}" But after that, the suggestions don't work/aren't clear... Help please! Thank you so much in advance PS: i...
...an see, I need the following fields in the epics: key summary assignee.displayName priority.name Here is the JQL that I am using for my lookup: project = MyProjectNameHere AND type IN (Epic) A...
...ira Issue Keys. 2. Then I create a variable from {{webhookData.issues}} 3. After that there is lookup over {{webhookData.issues}} 4. Then sending following message to slack: Time: {{w...
Hi everyone, I am using Table Transformer v11.3.1 I try hard to dynamically refresh a calculation table T1 from a filtered table T2. Sounds a bit tricky but let me explain... To simplif...
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to send email with Lookupissue function in jira automation. Lookupissue JQL is able to find the tickets when i hit validate query. However when i configure the body of t...
I'm totally stuck and hoping someone here can help me. A user fills in a custom field in a Jira screen named "Total Contract Cost" (number field) I have all my users in Assets in my "Max_Spend" sch...
Hello, I've been using Project Automation for some time, I'm able to send emails using the following (See Below) - We recently got a Jira update and now have the "Lookup Issues" when I compile my a...
...ble to find an amenable solution using the various Confluence features and add-ons, albeit Orderly Databases reported included the lookup feature before being acquired by Atlassian and integrated into t...
Hello Atlassian Community, I'm trying to set up a Jira automation rule to send email notifications using lookup issues. But I want my email to have a condition that show two different results into t...
...n Epic if not by the Lookup function? My automation looks like this: I am getting this error message: Lookup issues A search during custom value definition found n...
Hi! My goal is to update a custom label type field with values when fixVersion field changes. Values to update are lookup table values (since versions can't have custom fields attached to them) l...
...he Lookup Issue action and possibly the Create Lookup Table action? Here is the automation we have been working around. Trigger: When Issue Created IF: Issue matches JQL issuetype = "A" A...
...ickets created during 9-5pm London time. When i tried doing it using jira automation lookup actions i am able to receive the correct list when i tried to validate my query. This is m...
Hello, How do I access once of the custom fields from the first item in a lookupissues object that I have in my automation rule? Thanks
I want to be able to do a lookup and then, within that lookup, run logic to show only selected items. Use Case: Release Notes or Documentation - Break down sections of an email by b...
Looking into using Confluence as a business and a required aspect is the ability to build tables with relationships / lookup between those tables. This is currently fairly easy in current S...
...tructure but I got an empty result. However, I get the expected result by using the lookup directly on the JQL advanced search.
Hi! I'm trying to set up a JQL to search and compare a custom field with an URL with the same custom field from other tickets with an URL. Example: "cf[11300]" = {{issue."cf[11300]"}} ...
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