Hi Everyone, I have a requirement where I need to calculate how much time we took for a user story to move from "Approved by Dev" status to "Completed". Approved by Dev status indicates that develo...
Background: Previous Sprint Burndown, lists a total of 60 points for all issues when Sprint start was triggered at 7:05pm 8/21/2024 Approximate total issue count easily over 20 (Bugs, Stories, Task...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a JQL query to list issues that have not had any changes in the "timespent" field in the last 7 days. The challenge is that the "timespent" field does not support ...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a JQL query to list all Stories that are currently in the "In Progress" status, but only if they have no active subtasks. I want to exclude any Stories that have s...
Hi Everyone, I am new to Jira and I have had to learn JQL very fast. We have also migrated to the cloud. I have this JQL query working in the old Jira environment but not in the Cloud. I ha...
Controlling projects as such in Jira can sometimes be a struggle. However, there are workarounds to manage large project portfolios, and that requires specific professional dedication, and tool confi...
Wondering if there's been a change to the JQL for a current Sprint? I've used this query for a while and lately it's telling me: "Your project and sprint selection are invalid" Query - ...
Hello, I am looking for JQL which will show me "Epic" but only if there has been a child issue on that epic that has been assigned to me. Ultimately, I am looking for a list of epics which I have wo...
Hi everyone, I am trying to set up a JQL search filter for my dashboard that shows only stories with these characteristics: - certain project - only stories - currently running sprint - ...
I have a ticket that shows several sub-tasks. Even though I added some tasks later, I can rearrange them in the list shown in the ticket so that they make sense. So, for example, I might have a list...
Hi, I want to have JQL with the following order : - all issue without timespent first (condition: timespent IS EMPTY) - then list issue ordered by updatedDate DESC Example of wan...
Hi, some time ago I created this filter which uses another filter: issueFunction in subtasksOf("filter = '154058'") AND issuetype = "Test Task" ORDER BY assignee ASC Now I need to know whi...
What is the Field in JQL to get the user who just updated, created or closed the Task. see I have my Slack configured with my Jira so that if anyone creates, closes or updates a task on which i am as...
Hello, I am currently working on a problem where I need to retrieve all comments that have been posted today. The goal is to get these comments and save the details along with the commenter's name, t...
Hello All, Anyone know how we can exclude those issues which are cloned or linked issues with clone type in jira using JQL query?
Someone on my team is looking to create a JQL where: •Date range can be defined ( July 1 - XX) •Issues that fall under EPICS only •Where Issues move from OPEN to any other Status withi...
Hi, JQL seems to have some undocumented function which I would like to know how to use. They appear in the JQL Filter builder (for want of the correct terminology) but aren't docum...
Hello, I'm looking to Query the description of Fix Version. I was able to use smart values to get the description of Fix version {{version.description}} But can I get the value usi...
I have 2 project "NOT"AND "CH" In "NOT" project we have "Non Software" as issue type and in "CH" project we have "RC","CRB". Here in "CH" project "RC" is linked to "CRB" with link type "is fixed by...
Hello, From my filter I want to show only the Jiras that were closed a week ago. Is this possible ? (issuefunction in issuesInEpics("filter = 163764")) AND (status = Closed AND Resol...
Hi Team, We have been trying to fetch the details of issue using a 'jql' which includes a where clause for CustomField of type Number field such that if the value in the field is empty/null/0 then o...
I need to create a dashboard which shows test execution result.We.are creating daily test execution with the below format Testexecution-23062024 for today and next day it will be Testexecution-2406...
Hi there, i´m despreately looking for a JQL Query that displays every ticket moved from the original project to any other. Is there anyone out there with an idea or maybe a resolution for my p...
We have a Jira JQL filter that shows results only for specific values in the "Label" field, but unfortunately the resulting reports display that plus counts for every other "Label" field type value a...
Hey, I need to find all issues which are in Status "A" for exactly 21 days from now. So if the issue is in status "A" for 20 or 22 Days, the JQL should exclude these issues. It probably is some JQL...
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