I use automation and jira markup language a lot in oder to set template texts. The new(?) feature for inserting a checklist item would fit perfect in this concept! At the moment we use bullet points ...
Task as a child issue of an Epic causes Jira Plan timeline view to not show the progress bar column, more specifically the Progress (Issue Count) bar. Here is an example. Top epic only...
My Roadmap in Confluence has a vertical scroll bar. When I'm working on the lower part of roadmap, the 'autosave every 15 seconds' causes the vertical scroll to pop back to the top of the...
We have some users that use grouping by labels on their plans. It seems there was a change recently where their plan that has epics and stories is showing stories in groups that don't have the ...
Now that JPD Ideas can be pulled into Advanced Roadmaps as issue sources from a JPD Project, it would seem to be logical to also pull into the Advanced Roadmap, any Delivery Tickets that are linked t...
Hi community, Teams in Jira is good to manage issues assigned to different teams. However, it seems like everyone can create a team which can easily make it messy in Jira. Ideal, we just want only a...
I have multiple boards in one project. Each Board is configured with a team. When an issue is created. The team is ALWAYS BLANK, unless we assign it manually. Please suggest how to do...
I found the goals and projects break-down helpful but I don't understand why it is not possible to assign multiple epics to a single project
Hi Community, In Jira Software DC, we used https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1218959/safe-epic-to-feature-translator-for-jira?tab=overview&hosting=datacenter to translate the Epic t...
Hello Atlassian Community, In the Dashboards , is there a way to expand the "Other" by default? Best wishes and happy holidays!
Hey everyone I'm Rhys, a Product Manager on Jira Plans. Building the Program board has been a fun journey, and now we’re happy to announce that it’s is leaving Open Beta and moving into being a full-...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a JQL query to list issues that have not had any changes in the "timespent" field in the last 7 days. The challenge is that the "timespent" field does not support ...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a JQL query to list all Stories that are currently in the "In Progress" status, but only if they have no active subtasks. I want to exclude any Stories that have s...
In Cloud Jira I can sort the releases by release date, but in my plan there is no sort function? Any suggestions?
Hi, My team is working on three epics in parallel. This is now done over 5 sprints. But Jira Plans is currently allocating all sprint resources to the highest prioritise epic. And when that ...
I was trying to set up a dedicated project for Initiatives, another for Epics, and multiple projects for individual teams. The goal was to have a dedicated Initiatives project that would have c...
Hello all, Am I missing a step here? I have an approval step at a status, and when the person DECLINES the status, and transitions to a 'Declined' status, I would like to display a screen, so tha...
Is there a way in Atlas as a jira-admin to setup global views for the Projects and/or Goals that our organization can view and see? It would be nice to be able to setup views to be used by the organi...
I've been unable to access my account (terrenolivre.atlassian.net) on Jira for 2 days, the screen just keeps loading non-stop. This is happening for all users.
Many of you have asked how to effectively use Jira Product Discovery (JPD) with your plans in Jira. We are excited to announce that we have launched an integration ...
Hello Community, I'm Natalie from the Atlassian research team. We're looking to speak with project managers, product managers, program mangers and delivery leads about how you p...
I've confirmed the following: - The field is a custom field linked to issues in the project - Estimation is set to Story Points - The team settings' Planning style is set to Scrum However, I can'...
We have a business case where we would like to have multiple issues types to created as children under Initiative. I know where to edit the hierarchy and create new levels is it possible to have mul...
Under Advanced Planning: Teams: Team settings I can choose the Issue source. I have 5 boards and 1 project to choose from. I haven't been able to identify why the one Project is under a different hea...
Hello Jira lovers! I’m Joe, a product manager on Jira Plans. We somewhat recently launched the Calendar view in Plans and today we’re shipping some new features to make it even better. Let...
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