We wish to allow only access by certain IP's to the project. We upgraded to Premium and went to Access control where IP whitelist option is available. Added the IP and updated but somehow users logge...
Hello, synchrony is listening on port 8091 and all listening interfaces. I need to limit that to localhost / only. I am running a reverse proxy in front of that. With confluence I can ea...
Hello Community, i wanted to ask, if it is possible to check livetime with the status page, if a certain IP address is online or offline? Thanks a lot in advance for your answers :)
I usually use bitbucket at work and everything is ok. When I try to use bitbucket at home everything is really really slow: pull (or fetch ecc..) a (very small, 5 MB) project keep minutes. If I try...
I need to grant access to a Bitbucket repository to an IP address for an external team to access the repository (to push, pull etc) but there doesn't appear to be an option in the settings for the re...
We currently have Confluence Server implemented and are looking at the Confluence Cloud option. If using the Confluence Cloud we would want to enforce 2FA when connecting from outside of our co...
Dear All, First off, thank you for reading and trying to help here is a little backstory first: I have approximately more than 600 customers of which each has their own domain I manage all ...
Hello together, I have installed Confluence and Jira on a new Windows machine. From this server machine confluence is reachable over localhost:8090. I changed the Base-URL to the local IP of this ma...
I'm using a corporate SMTP service with our Jira Service Desk project, which is hosted on a Jira Cloud instance. Our IT team is applying a change for security reasons on the SMTP service. As a resul...
I want to show someone my source code, but I want to make sure that they don't make a copy of it, and take my intellectual property from BitBucket. Is there a way to give someone access to my code bu...
Hi! I'm now connecting Confluence (server) to Jira(server) using Jira user server. https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/connecting-to-crowd-or-jira-for-user-management-229838465.html#Connectingt...
Hello Is there any way when a customer is logging a request that their computer Hostname or IP address is added to the ticket. This would be to assist agents with quickly finding out the nam...
Hi I installed on.my server confluence. It's now at ip address xxx.xx.xx.xx:port How can I change it to docs.domain.com In settings when logged in as admin I see http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:5343 Base ur...
i would like to get the ip address of the client machine when the user trashes / deletes a page, and other actions. Post to - How do I get hold of the HttpServletRequest? states Treat ServletActi...
Hello, we're getting problems when working with tables which contain IPs (or even plain numbers). Under the table appear uneditable "links" to some IP-ports. It happens often when editing or sav...
Bamboo question: on my General Configuration page, there is a Network section which shows two items: a hostname, and an IP address. The IP address is incorrect. Where does this address come from? Is ...
Is it possible to gain acces to Confluence only to specific IP-Addresses/Ranges? Maybe like i would do it in a htaccess with Deny/Allow? thks
Hello. Just trying to auto-associate an IP to an elastic instance. What was done: 1. Configured to upload AWS private key and certificate to new instance. 2. In the startup script run the follo...
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