Using the board as a task tracker, I created a list called "done", now automation would copy the tasks(cards) to done, once they are marked as completed. The problem is the tasks are repeatable, can...
In the last couple of days when I go to tick off a card as complete it just opens the card. The complete function doesn't appear to be available. There is no way to mark it as complete (and I h...
Estimada comunidad, Tengo la necesidad de resolver una automatización, la idea es que cuando se crea una EPICA, se automatice un campo personalizado y baje hacia la HISTORIA. Este campo esta complet...
I want to know if it is possible to create an automation so that the "Team" field is automatically filled once the assignee to the issue is selected. It would be something like this:...
I want to replicate the information from a custom field, from the epic to the story and sub-task. The field exists in all issues. It indicates the Error: issue condition. Your configured field has be...
Can anyone think of a creative way in Proforma to create a dropdown question that is populated with all existing issues?
Say hello to your new sidekick, HAPI Every great hero needs a sidekick. Iron Man couldn’t assemble the Avengers without Jarvis, Frodo could never return the ring to Mordor without Samwise, and...
We have imported e-learning from one of our libraries as a full learnlist and would like to adjust the auto complete settings; currently the items is marked as complete as soon as a user clicks the l...
Hello! I have a next case: We have objects in Insight with attributes: 1. Количество ( Total number of licenses (our limit)) 2. Выдано (Given licenses to users) 3. Остаток (How many free lic...
When an issue passes to "deployed" status I need the field "Due date" automatically be changed to value of the date, when the issue passed in "deployed" status. How can I do it? Can I use Scrip...
Is it possible in Jira to write something like "@greetings" and than you get the text "Yours sincerely [your name]", when you are writing with someone below a ticket?
Hi everyone, I am a Product Manager in Jira Cloud team. We are continuously looking into opportunities to simplify things in Jira. Today we are looking at Jira settings, specifically:...
Hi, for my user macro I want the possibility to have only one autocomplete parameter for space and page name (as used in task report macro). The options for types of parameters are either ...
Hi, could someone help me with not working label autocomplete? I found this article
At least one user does not show up in the Assignee field user picker when typing his name or username. Another user with exactly the same access rights & groups, on the same ticket, does show up ...
Hello guys. I created a JIRA plugin and I want to have a form field where you enter your sprint name or sprint id and while you are typing the letters it will suggest to you sprints that contai...
Autocomplete of "[", "{", "!" doesn't work. When I type one of them and start typing text, nothing happens. However, "@" works fine. I'm using the Cloud version of Confluence. In settings the Aut...
Today, i faced an autocomplete problem for all user picker fields in jira cloud version . User picker autocomplete field which includes all of issue types doesn't work ! :( I configured nothing abo...
I have looked online for a few hours and tried to fix this: I am looking to have a multi select autocomplete rendered list. Essentially i want to be able to type an organization name into a field an...
Hi, I am following these instructions from Atlassian documentation to set a custom field with an autocomplete renderer:
In editing screen of pull request, I tried to add more reviewer by typing "@ kim" but it doesn't bring any list of my teammates. Fortunately the reviewer is in recent list, so that...
Hello folks, My plugin is almost completed and I am just fixing up a few things... One of my issues right now is that I created a Soy template that I use to populate a dialog in the...
If I have a complete query, and I try to add more things in the middle of it, words get eaten up: e.g.: filter = "x" and assignee = currentUser() ORDER BY updated DESC # ...
I want to get a text field custom field with autocomplete from a REST service. I've got it using behaviours according to:
I know nothing of ScriptRunner. I am running manual tests, and use Confluence to track results. (First time, just started using.) Is it possible that upon checking one of the options, I can have a d...
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