Did you know the average office worker spends 42% of their time collaborating with others? Collaborative teamwork isn’t just a trendy buzzword—it’s the core of a productive and engaged workf...
...uilds goodwill and strengthens the bonds within your community. Try using a platform like Mantra Intranet to share public shoutouts and praises! How About Remote Teams? 🏡 We g...
When I am in calendar view I can't see multiple months seamlessly.. but when I add calendar power up I can see what I want but lose the functionality of seeing jobs stretch across multiple days at a ...
Hello JPD community, I would love to understand how others capture, track, and manage improvement ideas for existing features of your product in Jira Product Discovery (JPD). For example, let’s s...
Context: Confluence is divided into multiple spaces, and in many organizations each space defines its own bounded contexts, each with its own set of terminologies and definitions. This can make the "...
...tate Additional Improvements that you think might be helpful, are welcomed. This flow currently focuses on Manual perspective, and I am planning to Implement a...
Hey everyone, Just a quick suggestion: It'd be super handy if, when you expand the side panel to edit an idea, the corresponding row could light up somehow. It would make it a lot clearer what you'r...
I use some description in epics and storys to have sequence like: 01.1 Story 1 01.2 Story 2 02.1 Story 3 And goes on... I add this filter in sql on the board, but when I am inside the stor...
I have had an issue on our installation, that prevented emails being sent, for some days. We have solved the issue, but it has resulted in a large pile of emails in the error queue (only one D...
I know that we can enable CSAT feedback after a ticket has been resolved, but I think it would be really useful to have a pop-up prompting users to provide feedback on how good a form is in the porta...
Components are an excellent tool. However, they become easily muddied. This morning I had to clear out two components that users created by mistake. The first user typed into the incorrect field, the...
Hi all. I'd like to share 3 features that I thing would be... to have in Jira Service Management: Ability to limit which values are viewable on Select List (cascading) and Select List ...
It would be nice to be able to see the pages/blog posts you've shared (using the Share with message) in the 'recent' log dropdown.
I would like to request a feature to allow us to reorder the saved searches in the Alerts Menu.
I love how Jira and Confluence are being integrated more and more over time. It is so cool to have a Pages section in all Jira projects to show the content of their linked spaces! But how could tha...
Currently, Incident and Sched. Maintenance subscriptions for a channel is an all or nothing setting which in our experience has led to having a bunch of channels light up with unread messages when an...
A small list of enhancements (yes I put in the first one) to vote for: Notify user on failure -- So when a condition is not met, the user is notified, instead of having no idea and a banner tha...
We have an integration between Help Scout (our support platform) and Jira Software. Our support team creates Jira issues in a specific project and we track the number of linked support issues. ...
When I have a scheduled maintenance. I cannot see it in the uptime calender. Possible it is sensible as future maitemance is not part of uptime stats. But is there a way I can see maintenac...
Oftentimes our best product updates are not derived from our team, but from our amazing customers. We love getting to hear your ideas and make them a reality. That’s why we’re excited to sha...
Came out of https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Questions-for-Confluence/How-can-I-continue-a-numbered-list/qaq-p/1021094?utm_source=atlcomm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=immediate_general_rep...
...ring the greatest value.” —Vilius Zigmantas Today, we have the privilege of featuring Community member @Vilius Zigmantas, a Process Improvement Manager, who drives better ways of working. Read on f...
Hi all! Although I'm relative new to this community, I've found some common things which do exists among the vast majority of similar communities/forums etc. From my end, I am trying to be everyday ...
These buttons should be the other way round! Me and my colleagues always end up accidentally deleting labels because it's so unintuitive. Please switch em! 🙏
...oll out a bunch of small but mighty improvements to the Halp UI. As we continue to make our customer requests a priority you should expect to see many more improvements to our Web UI in 2021. &n...
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