I've been using the Cardbox Power Up and it's been wonderful, but I started having issues where the "Attach" button is no longer showing up on the cards, on some boards. I do have my workspace ...
Hi, I've tried to integrate Gmail (I have a workspace account) with Trello. But it only shows 1 of my boards, while I have several Trello boards (in 1 account). I have the free trial for business c...
I have reviewed the article on why this is occurring but it only gives the related gmail article for personal users. For GSuite I cannot do this unless I add it as an alternate domain which r...
We have the Trello app for Gmail so we can create a card from an email, but what about subsequent emails from the client; how do we add those emails to the card that's already created?
I have been using the Trello add-on for Gmail since we joined. Yesterday, I started receiving this error "Spam and suspicious messages can’t be used for recommended content or actions. Try s...
... when I try to create an issue via Gmail, I can choose a project but can't create the issue, I get the screen below with the text "Something went wrong!" I also included several roles for t...
I was an IBM employee. The other day I needed to access my personal trello account (gmail domain) that I obviously use when I was an IBM employee, it turns out that for some reason the login of my p...
Dear Atlassian team, I've just installed the Atlassian Cloud gmail pluggin (https://gsuite.google.com/marketplace/app/atlassian_cloud/689852235462) but it does not work as expected when creating a...
...ide bar in Gmail (the bar on the right)?
...iew and sync to Gmail only the card level due date tasks show up on my Gmail calendar. I was going to have my whole project with due dates showing up on my Gmail calendar 2 screenshots below o...
I just got a new mac, just installed chrome on the new mac, logged into my gmail, and went to add a trello card from email (that i have done lots of times) but getting the error "Something went w...
After upgrading our hosting package, notification emails stopped coming through. We use Gsuite for Business and Ionos hosting. Using https://trello.com/test_notifications produces nothing ...
We have Trello Business Class, and I am using the Trello Add-on to G Suite. I am able to send emails to Trello to create cards, but it doesn't include attachments. Is this possible to do ...
I have done the add on in gsuite for trello and gmail. However when i go to save an email to a particular card on a list, it only lets me select the list and not the particular card that i need f...
I'm having issue with Editable Email Notification is not Receiving Emails into my Gmail Account after upgrading to Latest v2.252 of Jenkins. Previous in older version it was working but after u...
Hi, When I try to send an HTML file as an attachment then I am able to receive an email from the bitbucket pipeline but when I am trying to send a Zip file then I am seeing a error "Failed to ...
Hi All, I am wondering if there is a way to link and embed a gmail account inbox into our space? The goal is to have everyone be able to access the shared account directly from our site. &n...
Hi, If I get a email from my website (from a filled in warranty forum) the addon af Trello says it's spam and I need to find the email in the inbox in order to proces the email to Trello. Only...
...ompte trello; zappier et gmail .. Je n'arrive pas à faire les paramétrages. Est-ce que vous connaissez une solution pratique ? Merci, Jean-Michel Tel +33608183338 @ jeanmichel@a...
Hello guys, How do I create an e-mail field in my trello cards? I'm trying to use Zapier and Gmail to send individual emails when the card is moved to a "completed" list. I use trello for the p...
Hi there, We added the Outbound IPs as per this documentation https://confluence.atlassian.com/cloud/atlassian-cloud-ip-ranges-and-domains-744721662.html However we still recieve the notificat...
So I initially created my account with an google email so it didn't require a password. Now I wanted to change the email because I will no longer use the current but when I click on the verify new em...
So my question is, my company kind of not wanting to open up the POP and IMAP, we have our server on Google Cloud, so I was wondering if Jira can create issue by just using Google API, and can it int...
Installed add-on "Atlassian Cloud for Gmail." When I open an existing message in Gmail (Chrome, Win10), I am able to open right sidebar and create a Jira issue, but cannot look up an existing issue a...
I was able to successfully set up and test the powerup for gmail new starred message to add it to a trello board as a new card. But since then no new ones have showed up that are new starred m...
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