Hi, Upon creating an issue, I have a ScriptRunner script within a PostFunction which copies some field values from a bunch of Elements Connect fields to other Elements Connect fields. I am using th...
I have a script to update an Elements Connect field without affecting "change history" or "last update time", but it only works for single values: import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccess...
Hi Dear Colelagues, We have an issue, when cloning issue to another instance via the Element Copy and Sync plugin. It shows us "You must specify summary of the issue" error, but we have summary set...
We recently migrated from on premise to Jira Cloud. In the on prem version, we were using Elements Connect pointed at a SQL server to retrieve a large list of part numbers. In on prem, that worked fi...
Hi Guys, I am trying to create an element connect connected field. I have create Partner field(Text - Select list (single choice)) in which data is coming from Salesforce. This field i...
For the Elements > Jira Issues. Is it possible to sort the columns so I can see the last completed tickets first?
https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1225519/elements-publish-create-confluence-pages-from-jira-issues?tab=overview&hosting=cloud I intend to use Elements Publish from the marketplace I will ...
Hello, In Confluence Cloud, we are currently missing the macro feature for Inline-Styled Elements. With Confluence, we have published the manual for our product - TecArt CRM Professional. In our sof...
Hello all. I'm having an issue with the elements connect app where the different fields are only filled when modifying a ticket, this means, the original fields are empty but once I manually click o...
Good afternoon! We want to start using "Jira data center and server" app in our company. It suits us perfectly. But in some projects we use nfeed(elements connect) fields and they are not supported ...
Hi, I installed the "Elements Connect" plugin in our jira cloud and wanted to test it, but the admin page is blank. Does anyone has any clue? Thanks and best Regards, Roland Siegel
Hi , There is one requirement from end user based on elements connect field value(EngSolutions_Mumbai_HLS), system labels field value should set. If labels have existing values new value should appe...
Hi, I am trying to config an field that have to get the informations from a XML file. The URL is configurated and working but I do not know how to read all the Tags in this XML, I guess tha...
Hi everyone, I'm new at community and I need a help with the following situation: I have a workflow that uses a screen with some fields configured and one relevant field (element connect) was...
Hi, Is it possible to only retrieve the data when clicking on a button or another way on request and not when creating/opening a ticket? Some of our data is big and takes a long time to load which ...
Hi, I have a json file that was generated via combining multiple (100+) json files. When i ran the test I got the following error Error parsing Json content: Expected to find an object wi...
Hi Team - I'm new to Element Connect live feed custom fields, I need your help here. I'm trying to make fields mandatory in the transition screen based on the value of a custom field which is...
HI, First time EC user here . How do I filter my json file? I only want to display in my jira if it is in approved status { "data": { "iterateIP": { "IP": [ { "name": "ACME...
We have an elements connect field that we want to hide and show depending on if it has options or not. We will be using script runner or behaviour.
Hi all, I'm working on Elements Copy & Sync. I need to map a customfield Due Date (Date Picker) = Customfield_12500 (Date Picker)+ 3 days. As the document (https://doc.elements-apps.com/element...
How do I activate the Elements Connect integration in Automation for JIRA Lite? The support documentation explains how to create the "action" to update an nFeed field, but I don't see this opti...
Hello I've encounted an unexpected error: nFeed administration page is blank, see the screenshot Jira version - v8.2.5 nFeed version - 5.13.11 I can't find the solution yet, so lookin...
I need to pull data from a rest-api but the data needs to be filtered by a value that I can only get (a table key) by first calling the rest-api to retrieve it. So I need to someth...
Hello! I have to display the value of an Element Connect field in a Velocity template from custom event. Value of field in issue: Direccion: IGLESIA, 12 Using the next code: Direccion: $issue.ge...
We use Elements Connect to retrieve client details from our billing application's database and find this so convenient for our users when creating issues in JIRA Service Management that it's fairly c...
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