Hi Atlassian community! I've been working on a new app called FlowSense—it's an AI-powered app that makes it super easy and fast to create user flows and journey maps right within the Atlassian ec...
Through our experience helping customers achieve ISO certification and meet various compliance requirements, we’ve identified what truly makes a difference in managing these processes effectively. We...
...tilizing external SSO solution. What to expect with the Alpha program The Alpha program will span approximately 6 weeks. As a participant of the EAP, we will keep lines of communication open w...
We’ve just released an Early Access Program (EAP) of Crowd 6.0 so you can get familiar with the upcoming changes. Unless we need to include emergency or unplanned changes, this should b...
...ossible i EAP program, which we are not part of and are reluctant to enter into (not sure I it's at all possible on a standard license?) I know that org-admins can always bump up their own permissions t...
I'm working on revamping how we track status and health of our Early Access Programs, including customer alphas and betas, across our company. Any best practices out there on how to track betas at a ...
...nnounce that the Bulk Ops (Operations) APIs Beta program is ready for public use. This feature gives you precious time back to focus on high-value initiatives by enhancing Jira’s flexibility with a...
...ubmitting general feedback or a bug report on the EAP portal allows you to be in direct contact with the product team. You can also submit feedback by clicking the feedback icon on the top-right c...
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