Hello Atlassian Community, My company is currently exploring a new approach to managing our backlog structure in JIRA, and we are genuinely curious about your insights or experiences from the commun...
Hello guys! I'm looking to create a feedback collection board so our frontline teams can collected feedback and filter it by using the upvote functionality. We are looking to have the upvo...
Hi everyone, Currently dealing with a filter visibility issue for 2 company-managed projects. In one project, I have a few more filters available like Sprint and Label. They are both company...
Hello Community, We understand the importance of streamlining your workflow and making issue creation as smooth as possible. That's why we're excited to kick off the rollout of inline issue creatio...
よくある質問 特定のユーザーに、特定のプロジェクトだけの閲覧/編集権限を付与したいのですが、どうすればよいでしょうか? 回答 以下のような設定を行うことで実現可能です。 まず、全プロジェクトを誰でも見られる状態(「アプリケーション アクセス (ログイン済のユーザー全員)」への閲覧許可)から特定のユーザーにしか閲覧できない状態に設定、 次に特定...
Hello all, I'm trying to create a "Select List (cascading)" type field in a company managed project. I can't see the option to add parent / child fields during the configuration of the field. ...
I have a company managed Jira project and when creating an issue, I would like to be able to set the status to "Backlog" or "Open". I am aware that this can be achieved by setting "Allow all statuse...
I am trying to set up a project within which at least 4 teams need to be able to exchange and coordinate tasks. Three out of four teams should be using Kanban boards and one team should be using a Sc...
Hello, in our area we have different projects where we have some epics which are on charge of a specific team. I need a query to obtain all the issues related to these epics and my advances are the n...
Hi there fellas, okay got that: I can not modify the underlying board filter of a team managed project in Jira cloud. But what about a company managed project with a work management project templat...
Does Jira not have a way of enabling or allowing you to create "gaps" in the Timeline on a Epic? It feels odd, saying you have a big project with epics, where you in February buy equip...
Hi superstar Columbus group!! @Brandi Guess and I have some questions for the group. In your companies: Who can create new Jira projects? (Company-managed or team-managed) Did you disable...
After "Project settings" is clicked for "Company-managed Business", the menu bar still remains and it bothers a lot. It's difficult to edit the project information. It happens at Edge, Chrome, Safari...
Hi Community, I am getting this error while cloning an issue from service management to jira software. The issue type is "incident". I tried removing the severity field from the jira software proje...
I'm using a company-managed project and have activated the feature panel (this is called epic panel in my team-managed project). The features shown in this panel is all the parents to my user ...
Hello All, I am trying to transfer story from a team-managed project to a company-managed project. Both story layout have Acceptance Criteria section, but after transfer, the acceptance criteria con...
We are using different workflows for Epics and Custom Issue Types. In our Board, we always view the workflow of Epics as it reflects the general milestones. Our problem is that every new Ji...
Hi, I will be adding a user to our organisation's jira cloud, as this user do not belong to our organisation, we want to limit/restrict his access from other projects, features and configurations in ...
Hi, We have closed a sprint and somehow the Original Estimates that were previous entered have been removed and therefore showing zero. We have closed the sprint and now the velocity chart shows a...
I'am trying to sum original estimate field from sub-tasks to parent but isnt work. My automation rule: Tarefa_ and Bug_ are sub-tasks types. My tests: Rule Log...
Hello everyone! I'm currently working on setting up an automation to aggregate story points from stories within an Epic, but I'm encountering issues with my smart values. When I use the JQL search ...
Hello, I am asked to edit multiple project names and keys. All these projects are company managed. There is a warning states " Changing the project key will start a background re-index ...
I'm trying to unravel this layer cake of confusion, and I assume I'm not he first one to run into it. I'm using Assets, so I also have Customer Assets that link to user accounts in the Atlassian Acc...
...ot a Jira developer. Last public comment date: Date/time of the last public comment (restricted comments are ignored). This field is searchable and sortable. Message Custom Field (for edit/view): A c...
I have Jira tariff plan Standard. And there is one team-managed project. I'd like to change this type to company-managed, but my concern is whether the cost still remain the same or not.
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