To be deleted
...ncident communication tool. Will you help by leaving a (honest!) review about your experience with Statuspage? ⭐️Click here to leave a Statuspage software review ⭐️ If you're comfortable, s...
Hi there, Is it possible to create a group of user who refers to several users. And to @mention them ? Ex : I type "@Admin" and John, Bob & Sarah who are all Admin will receive a Ji...
If you’ve ever been tasked with writing a status update when things are on fire you know that it’s hard. It’s often urgent, stressful, and requires conveying clear and accurate communication (o...
Hi folks Frequentely I need to promote a discussion among a card´s members referred to a specific subject. It happens simply using the answer option that is bellow a comment. The issue is that ...
Hi, I am using Trello with my team to follow projects and tasks. I would like to know if it is possible to create a report from each tab. We would like to share our activities with the rest of...
...Open incident communication is becoming more and more important to companies and their customers. This is underlined by the big names who have set up a public Statuspage this year like&n...
Some users who submit requests do not get e-mails went a Project assignee makes a public comment. Is there a setting that needs to be turned on? There's not even a trace of a the message going to t...
Background As a Jira Administrator, I am passionate about helping others get the most from their Projects, especially within my current workplace. All of our software development teams use JIRA Soft...
As developers on Atlassian, we are excited to have various options of chat tools for better collaboration in our team. We have used several platforms for our communication such as Skype, Google S...
Hi everyone, is it possible to use Confluence and JIRA Software completly internally, so no access to the outside but JIRA ServiceDesk, obviously, has. My goal is that no user can access the JIRA S...
When somebody replies to a notification mail that was generated by assigning him an issue, this reply gets added to that issue as a comment. That's OK, we want that to happen. But the problem is tha...
I'm using a Greenhopper rapid board (kanban mode) as a gadget on a dashboard. When trying to drag and drop issues, I get an error message saying, Communications Breakdown, The JIRA server could n...
For a space owner or a parent page owner, it is useful to be informed of updated content (via email would be great)? Can anyone give me some options to implement this in Confluence?
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