I would like to create technical documents, including code snippets and scripts in my personal space. I can not create additional spaces. What is the best way to accomplish this?
Hi folks. I'm facing a problem creating custom pipes that are supposed to share info via pipe storage dir. Our setup is: We have a common repository for all pipe definitions, let's call it "pipes-...
I have multiple dashboards and each show different results when viewing this via web browser or the app. Browser version is correct, showing current live incidents. App version shows al...
I'm working on a Salesforce - Jira integration. On Postman, the following request is successful: URI: POST: {{baseUrl}}/rest/api/3/search BODY: { "jql": "key in&...
Hello, I am trying to create a file directory for a space which will serve like a similar OneDrive functionality where you can download and upload files, but can also assign permissions on who can e...
We tried to add Google Workspace as an identity provider to our Atlassian account today, synced users (1 group) and we now can't access the full account. My admin rights are no longer active. I see t...
Before I pose my question, it would be worth defining the two screens we are referring to. The customer portal form is where the customer logs into the customer portal and clicks Get IT Help to have...
Hi, I've a form with 10 different attachment fields. If I take a look at the answers on a form via the REST API, I will see something like this: "82": { "files": [ { "id": "6235...
cannot find sprints feature in project settings
Have made filter accessible to whole org and set up my subscription to go out every monday with the results of filter but no report gets sent to my org.
Hi all, for the creation of our spaces we use customized templates within a space. Doing so we need a lot of time until we created a space with all our customized templates. Confluence provid...
Is there a way to make Priority field read only without having to create a new screen for it ?
unable to view one of teammate tickets and name in my newly created kanban dashboard
Hi, Is there a way to add to an already existing and published page a template? I want the template to replace the content already in the page, not be a section of the page. Thank you.&...
Let's say i am editing a field name "DiffDate" DiffDate = {{now.compareTo(issue.customfield_10304)}} now = August 17, 2023 Customfield_10304 = September 1, 2023 I expected tha...
hi, all tickets dissapeared after completing sprint and did not move to the next one as expected.
We're working on an integration in our App that will allow users to connect their Jira account and pull/push tickets between our App and Jira that integration should support both Jira cloud and j...
Dear Support, my team uses the Jira Software appllication and we are very satisfied. However , we keep receiving billing requests. Is not JIRA Software available for free? A possible rea...
Hi, At the moment we use Tempo Planner as well as Tempo Timesheets. I would like to deinstall Tempo Planner and just keep Tempo Timesheets. Will this effect our data? Furthermore, if we decide to go...
While setting up a powerautomate flow to automatically start a story with the input from a Microsoft form I am running into an issue where a Custom Field with an array is causing an error. The error ...
Hello Folks, I just need to understand, once i permit Bitbucket to Jira, create issues, create repos, create branches, linking the issues to branches, how can I directly commit from JIRA
Hello, I faced an issue when Confluence Search does not work as expected. Even when I insert the name of the document, it suggests anything else, but not the necessary document. Yes, I know about th...
Hi All, I am facing challenges within my team when team members by mistake assign epic link of work item choosing the epic from another project in Jira account. How to restrict this ability,...
What is the best plug in for retrospective meetings? Right now we are using in Jira Only Action items can be tracked in jira For what went right and what when wrong its not feasible for card...
Hey there all! I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to ask that currently we are looking for solutions regarding integrating customer jira into our application. Can anybody suggest how to impleme...
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