Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×How a Leading Mortgage Provider Connected DevOps and ITSM with Jira and ServiceNow Integration For large enterprises managing complex workflows, disconnected tools can slow everything down. When IT...
How a Leading FinTech Company Streamlined Workflows Across Jira and Azure DevOps When it comes to FinTech, seamless collaboration is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity. Financial technology co...
Hi, We have connected our Jira to our Devops. And it is great! Especially because we use automation to change status based on the approval of a peer review. BUT, Jira is scanning the de...
We've integrated Jira with Azure Devops to automatically change the ticket status when a PR is made/completed, etc. However, one of my colleagues discovered that when you link to other tickets in th...
I reviewed your recent announcement providing import formats from tools such as Trello, Monday.com, etc. Do you have any plans to include a import format from the Azure DEVOPS (ADO) tool? Than...
We recently enabled Azure DevOps for Jira (Official) and it's working pretty well but for Builds, it never shows anything in the "Test results" column even though every build publishes the test resul...
Hello Atlassian Community, We are running a trial of the Jira to Azure DevOps Official Add-on which works well, Azure DevOps for Jira (Official) | Atlassian Marketplace but we noticed the ...
Hi, after importing or synching Jira issues, such as stories into Azure Devops work items there are several issues with the data once the new work items have been created under Azure DevOps. ...
Hi, after importing or synching Jira issues, such as stories into Azure Devops work items there are several issues with the data once the new work items have been created under Azure DevOps. Data, fo...
I'm working on an Azure pipeline that, when triggered by a pull request, builds the project, runs the unit tests, and triggers SonarCloud to do a static analysis. The SonarCloud part is great, ...
Hi, Does anybody know if there exist a plugin/integration component that would enable work items, created from the transaction search feature in Azure Application Insights to also create a support t...
Hi! We are investigating the app "Azure devops for Jira (Official)" and it looks like it really can be useful for our developers. But we have a question regarding the jira account that does this co...
I am facing this weird problem, now i have an Azure App Service, and when i define its Deployment repository to reference this repository inside GitHub https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-tea...
Hi, I am trying to use the 'Table from JSON' macro to retrieve data from Azure DevOps, via the API endpoints exposed for query data from that platform. I want to use a personal access token (PAT) f...
Is there a way to utilize a generated Workspace Access Token in an Azure DevOps Service Connection? I’m trying to set up an Azure DevOps Pipeline for our company that will access a Bitbucket reposit...
Hello, I am using Azure DevOps for Jira app, the app has been successfully configured using OAuth and it is connected to my Azure DevOps organisation. Under Manage apps ->...
Hello, We've integrated our Azure DevOps pipelines with Jira so that we see for each ticket to what environment it's deployed to. However, it only seems to work when the Jira ticket id is in ...
Hey there I am working in a company that develops multiple distinct products. My department is just getting started with Jira, but we already have some departments using Jira. The other depa...
Hi all! I’m Makarand, Product Manager on the Jira Service Management Automation team, and I’m excited to share a look at some new automation features rolling out to your teams starting today. We’re...
Hello Everyone, I know this is a bit of a stretch, but my company has need for integrating Azure/Entra user id's to subscribers in an automated fashion with statuspage. I've finally gotten my ...
I am trying to find a way to pull code from Azure DevOps to Confluence. I don't want to just copy and paste the code stored in the Repos section of DevOps since the code can frequently change.&...
Hi, We are currently still using Azure Pipelines for Jira (Deprecated) version and it works fine but want to use the New supported version Azure DevOps for Jira (Official) does an...
We are looking to integrate Jira Cloud with our Azure DevOps (and Repos) and GitHub (along with repos and Actions). There are so many choices it is a little overwhelming, but which plugins are ...
Related app: Azure DevOps for Jira Summary: If a feature branch with related Jira issue id is built in Azure DevOps, then the history of all associated builds are shown in the Jira issu...
Whether you're on Jira Cloud or Data Center, there are several ways to integrate your Git repositories with Jira. However, how you plan and setup these integrations can have a large impact on their...
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