I have a flask app server deployed on render.I have a jira webhook the server url should receive a post request when a new jira ticket is created and I should get the jira ticket information.The post...
I need to make some Jira REST calls in my web API application. But I have encountered difficulties around creating authentication using Oauth 2.0 according to documentation below: https://develo...
I am using `jira-rest-java-client-core` in my Java Project version: 5.2.0 This package transitive downloads sal-api as a part of its dependency. This was working a few days b...
My addon is hosted on Azure. My problem is that every time I restart (or Stop & Start again) the app in Azure, when running the addon I get the error {} Authentication verification error (401): C...
...hangelog but I can't find a way to make a call for the changelogs from the Jira Java client, which calls this method: public Promise<SearchResult> searchJql(@Nullable String jql, @Nullable Integer m...
Hello, experts: I'm doing an external app using .NET Core that integrates the Jira portal on it. Because <iframe> are out of discussion, I tried to do it using Jira API and oAuth2 authenticati...
...ame" which does not appear to exist in the JSON object. @Override public RoleActor parse(final JSONObject json) throws JSONException { // Workaround for a bug in API. Id field should not b...
Dear All, We have an requirement Jira and Jenkins Integration for Application patch deployment Requirement: We are getting huge application patch deployment tickets we plan to automate Our ...
Want to add a variable string to the vaue part of the key value pair doing a post request with the request library in python.
Please help ,me with this i am passing the URL, and auth token also with the below payload:- {"fields": { "summary": "High Alert",  ...
Hello folks, Hi developing jira app using the forge framework. To identify users in my application I want to access the assignee email address. I am listening to avi:jira:upda...
Hi Team, I am using Jira's Oauth 2 (3LO) apps flow and refreshing the token before it expires. So now I am able to use both the tokens new one that I have recently refreshed and the older one. Bot...
Hello, I'm just getting started with the Atlassian SDK to attempt to develop some apps for Jira Datacenter. I'm not new to programming and scripting - I've written hundreds of groovy scripts, and c...
Hello community, I would like to ask for assistance regarding a security of a connect app. Firstly, a little big of context: our app link is displayed in Jira Software in the project side...
Hello, I'm trying to deselect an option from a custom single-select field and it's not working: DEL /rest/api/3/field/${fieldKey}/option/${optionId}/issue returns me a async respons...
jira/v2/app/iframe endpoint provide Set-Cookie parameter in Response Header without security parameter. For Chrome browser display warning: "This Set-Cookie header didn't specify a “SameSite" attribu...
I am using the C# atlassian sdk (version 12.4). I am able to create a jira issue with the below code, but the assignee field does not seem to get populated. I am using the the ...
In my app, I created two web panels with location "atl.jira.view.issue.left.context" and "atl.jira.view.issue.right.context". It is working properly. But when I created one more module with "JiraIssu...
Dear Team, I am using the software written in Java which uses the JIRA's REST client to sync the issues from the Redmine to JIRA, using the create and update endpoint. I am using ...
Hi, everyone. I created Oauth app and following documentation make request like this: https://auth.atlassian.com/authorize? audience=api.atlassian.com& client_id=YOUR_CL...
Hello, I am using a 3LO app. When trying to POST to https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/{CloudID}/rest/api/3/issue i get the error "OAuth 2.0 is not enabled for this method" The documentation...
Hi I'm trying to make REST calls to the Jira company instance. The authentication is done using Azure AD where other Azure resources are requested as well. In Azure, the administrator connected...
Hello Atlassian friends, I would like to ask you one question. I really appreciate any reactions. Our team is developing our application. New version of our app is going to be extended for clou...
I am trying to create an automated service for Jira where a zip file or .db3 file is uploaded to an existing Jira issue. This is my current code: var client = new RestClient(".../rest/api/3/issue/"+...
We want to write a unit test but cannot make calls to JIRA API or let's say something might have changed in the JIRA issue but we do not want to make changes to unit tests yet then what is the best w...
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